SIERRA LEONE: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST & SHORT CONCEPT: Market Oriented Value Chains for Jobs and Growth in the ECOWAS Region (MOVE-CARI)

  • By Owl
  • 7 November 2022
  • 0
SIERRA LEONE: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST & SHORT CONCEPT: Market Oriented Value Chains for Jobs and Growth in the ECOWAS Region (MOVE-CARI)


Market Oriented Value Chains for Jobs and Growth in the ECOWAS Region (MOVE-CARI)

Project Number: 21.2199.4-105.00

MOVE-CARI wishes to announce a call for proposals for support through its Matching Fund Grants. The Matching Fund is a co-funding mechanism for engaging private sector partners to co-invest in activities that strengthen the rice value chains in West Africa. Partners from Sierra Leone are invited to apply, either individually or as part of a consortium. Please see the Matching Fund Application Guidelines for more details on what support is available, who is eligible and the application process.

Private sector organizations from the rice value chain can apply for support and should have a strong interest in increasing the income of rice farmers through:

  • Increased productivity and quality of paddy rice;
  • Increased efficiency of local rice sourcing, processing, and marketing; and
  • Improved commercialization of rice and its by-products.

Please note that this is a multi-stage application process and proposals will be reviewed at the same time. Initially, all applicants are required to submit a short proposal and, for those applying as part of a consortium, a letter of intentsigned by all members of the consortium should be added. Please find the announcement, application guidelines, templates for the short proposal and letter of intent under the downloads tab on our website at

Applicants should submit these documents via email to All required documents must be submitted no later than 30th November 2022, applications received after this deadline will not be considered for support from the Project.If you have any questions regarding the Matching Fund or the application process, please reach out to the MOVE-CARI team directly via

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