GIZ: Call For Expression Of Interest (EOI) Consultancy Support Services to Endev to Kickstart the Cooking Energy Compact of Sierra Leone

  • By Owl
  • 12 June 2023
  • 0
GIZ: Call For Expression Of Interest (EOI) From A Consulting Firm to Develop and Manage the Data Research Centre (DRC) for the EnDev Programme Sierra Leone



PROJECT N0: 14.2275.7-215.00



Energising Development (EnDev) is a global initiative in more than 20 countries implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). EnDev, is a multi-donor partnership initiative funded by the governments of the Netherlands, Germany, Norway and Switzerland through their respective ministries or development agencies, namely, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Since 2012, EnDev’s support and involvement focuses on providing access to modern, renewable energy including sustainable solar power systems for schools and medical facilities, developing IT solutions to strengthen the renewable energy sector, providing information about renewable energy and products, and providing support for dealers in solar power systems in three Manu River Union countries: Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. A key priority for GIZ Endev in the region is generationmanagement and sharing of knowledge and learning of best practices to enhance access to clean energy, as well as replication and scaling up of innovative and successful projects and initiatives, in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, the Energy Sector and its agencies.

In 2021, EnDev provided technical support to the Government of Sierra Leone to develop and adopt the Cleaner Cooking Energy Compact with the aim of intensifying activities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 7 on sustainable energy for all. The Compact sets out various targets addressing energy access, energy sustainability, energy efficiency, and international cooperation. The targets can be summarized as follows: 

  • Enhance activities in the cooking sector to increase the use of LPG and of energy-saving cooking solutions. 
  • Enhance sustainable production of wood fuels and the energy conversion of organic waste
  • Increase the efficiency of biomass stoves and of the production of charcoal. 
  • Intensify cooperation between the Mano River Union (MRU) states as well as with the international community in the field of bioenergy including conducting joint, integrated studies in the field of renewables and bioenergy. 

Additional activities to be implement in the compact have been categorized into five clusters: 

  1. Steering and coordination of compact measures,
  2. Stocktaking, monitoring, Evaluation measures,
  3. Regulatory measures,
  4. Capacity development, 
  5. Support programs.


The outputs of the assignment should be captured from the scope of the assignment, and they should be detailed in the technical proposal of the consulting firm. The outputs will be discussed and agreed upon at inception, when the consulting firm will be expected to deliver a briefing session on how the assignment will be carried out against the stated timeframe in PowerPoint format at the EnDev office in Freetown. All data, information and contacts collected under this assignment will be formatted appropriately and delivered conjointly to the progress and final reports.

Objective and scope of assignment:

A consultancy firm is being sought to provide consultancy support services to EnDev and serve as a strategic supporting mechanism to kickstart the cooking energy compact of Sierra Leone. The consultancy firm will work with EnDev, as well as with key national, regional and international stakeholders, including the private sector to operationalize and jumpstart the energy for cooking compact of Sierra Leone. This will be accomplished through the completion of 5 tasks: 

  1. engage at the highest political level and develop a framework to establish a national focal point to operationalize the compact within a relevant line ministry in Sierra Leone
  2. initiate baseline studies in areas where key basic data are missing to develop an inventory of available data and information on energy for cooking
  3. review and document all related policies and regulations on forestry, land use, energy, finance sectors which have a major influence on investments into the production and market uptake (trade and sales) of LPG, biofuels, and cooking technologies
  4. identify capacity development gaps/needs and develop measures that should be carried out in the initial phase of the implementation of the Compact to start addressing the needs/gaps identified.
  5. identify and develop procedures that will facilitate access to support measures on the introduction and dissemination of innovative ICS and alternative fuel technologies, as well as actions that will facilitate access to financing incentives

The assignment will be undertaken in close collaboration and coordination with EnDev and major actors within the energy for cooking sector in Sierra Leone, drawing on the technical support provided by EnDev for the development and adoption of the Cooking Energy Compact for Sierra Leone in 2021. The successful firm should ensure assessments avoid duplication and make full use of the final report on Cooking Energy Compact of Sierra Leoneand the Concept Note on Next Steps for the Implementation of the Compact. These two documents and their accompanying annexes contain relevant information, including activities and contacts of key actors within the energy for cooking landscape in Sierra Leone that the consulting firm should be aware of before beginning this assignment.

Key deliverables 

The table below shows expected deliverables, suggested timeline, and payment schedule. Up-date and coordination meetings with EnDev should be held at a two-week interval.

 Deliverables Timeline(From inception) Payment
Inception report Week 2 40% payment upon signing of contract 
Progress report Tasks 1 and 2 and 3 Week 8 
Progress report Tasks 4 and 5 Week 12 30% payment upon submission of draft final report 
First draft of the final report (including design options) Week 16 
Final version of the report (including all necessary annexes and a final presentation) Week 20 30% payment after final presentation
Final presentation Week 22/23 

Note: The reports and presentations should be submitted/presented in English. 

Implementation time frame

Starting 15th of July 2023 – 16th December 2023

Eligibility criteria and documents to be submitted by the enterprise

  • Eligibility
  • Only service providers and consulting firms based and registered in Sierra Leone knowledgeable in the energy for cooking landscape in Sierra Leone are eligible. Consulting firms/individuals experienced in working with government ministries, especially the Ministry of Energy (MoE) SL, government agencies, and local and international organizations. Having worked on the Cooking Energy COMPACT of Sierra Leone will stand at an advantage.
  • Should have a minimum of four (4) years of experience working with a broad spectrum of actors in the energy for cooking landscape in Sierra Leone, including interactions and engagements at the highest political level
  • Submission condition
    • Proof of good standing, commercial qualification, payment of taxes and social benefits: Clearance certificate of NRA and NASSIT
    • Based and registered in Sierra Leone: Valid certificate of Business Registration.
    • One page on the proposed work plan for the assignment (including timeline) and implementation concept note
    • Two pages about the enterprise and all contact details (2-page, max. 1200words)
    • The CVs of the consulting team with relevant work experience

Submission of Expressions of Interest

Consulting Firms should submit their “Expression of Interest” to the below email address not later than 20th June 2023, 5:00 PM local time with the subject “EOI Application for COMPACT/SL” – “COSOFT NUMBER 83441330”

Not later than 20th June 20235:30 PM local time. Submission should not exceed three pages (excluding copies of historical documents, and CVs) using font and font size of Arial and 11 respectively, at line spacing 1.15. 

For any questions, contact with the subject “EoI Application for COMPACT/SL”  – “COSOFT NUMBER 83441330”

Only prequalified interested enterprises will be contacted with a template for detailed elaboration of the proposal. However, a brief profile that details your experiences in similar partnership will be required (see “Submission condition” above).

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