Alleged Sexual Harassment by Rokel MD is A Big Deal

  • By Owl
  • 14 March 2022
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Alleged Sexual Harassment by Rokel MD is A Big Deal

Contrary to what some pen pushers believe that alleged sexual harassment by the Managing Director of Rokel Commercial Bank (RCB), Dr. Ekundayo Walton Gilpin is “no big deal”, we can authoritatively state without any doubt that sexual harassment anywhere and against anyone is indeed a very big deal.

Had this not been so, the President of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio would not have prioritized sexual harassment (of any age) and set up a special court to speedily try and sentence people accused of alleged sexual harassment including Dr. Gilpin.

It is understood thatthe Company Secretary at RCB, Mrs. Margret Davies made an allegation against the RCB Managing Director Dr. Gilpin of sexual harassment, stating that there are phone evidences of chats in which the MD made love advances to her since 2017.

She also lodged this complaint to a seasoned lawyer in the country, Roland Wright, who in turn acted in good faith by verbally informing the Bank Governor, Professor Kailfala Kallon, to at least caution the MD who instructed that the Board of Directors, under the Chairmanship of Buffy Bailor investigate the allegation.

Our investigations reveal that the RCB MD, Dr. Walton Gilpin is a married Christian man and therefore, according to his religion, he should not attempt to carry out any extra-marital affairs outside of his marriage. And more importantly, he allegedly sexually harasses a legally married woman. The holy Bible says such behavior is not only a sin but also describes it as adultery and the holy Bible says heaven has no such place for those committing this diabolic sin. Yet, some people believe that it is ‘no big deal’ for Dr. Gilpin to make sexual advances on a married woman. This is a shame!

As all of this is going on, this press is not relenting on carrying out further in-depth investigations to ensure that Dr. Gilpin answers and pays if at all it is discovered that indeed he allegedly committed such a crime.

As all of this is going on, it is further alleged that there are other women working at the RCB who have been sexually harassed by the RCB Managing Director but perhaps because they are afraid of losing their jobs or for other reasons were afraid of reporting him to the authorities. Reports say this is not the first time issues of this nature have been made to the relevant authorities. As recent as few years back, Dr. Gilpin was allegedly dragged to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Sierra Leone Police where he reportedly Alleged paid over one hundred million Leones as compensation to a female worker he sexually harassed before the charges were dropped. 

Even when The OWL made several telephone calls, sent several text messages and made other efforts to contact the RCB MD Dr. Gilpin to shed light on the allegations, he refused to respond; he did not answer his phone; did not call us back and did not respond to our text messages.

Investigations continue.

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