Sierra Leone Named Among 15 Least Visited Countries Globally

  • By Owl
  • 1 May 2024
  • 0

Sierra Leone is making the headlines again in a U.S Travel article authored by Alanna Davis about the least visited countries in the world.
Alanna is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering insects, animals, and travel. According to the author much of the information and statistics cited in this article regarding annual tourism numbers have been obtained from the World Bank and the World Population Review.

Her findings about Sierra Leone Reveals that “While this country is undeniably beautiful, it receives very little tourism annually. Sierra Leone had roughly 71,000 foreigners visit in 2019, however, they had as few as 31,000 people visit in 2015.” And from the undefined numbers of real tourists among the stated numbers of foreigners entering the country, the actual visitors for tourism purposes may be very low indeed,”

Below are The 15 Least Visited Countries in the Entire World

  1. Sierra Leone
  2. North Korea
  3. Papua New Guinea
  4. Samoa
  5. Tonga
  6. Kiribati
  7. Buhtan
  8. Liechtenstein
  9. Marshal Islands
  10. Tuvalu
  11. Solomon Islands
  12. Burkina Fasso
  13. Palau
  14. Comoros
  15. Vanuatu

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