NPPA Boss Starts Ramadan Gift with Bambawo Mosque in Kenema

  • By Owl
  • 7 April 2021
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Ramadan 2021 is almost here. There is no better time than now to make sure that families suffering from poverty, conflict, and famine are able to observe Ramadan and have food to break the  fast daily. By donating a Ramadan gift, the progressive-minded Chief Executive of the National Public Procurement Authority, Ibrahim Brima Swarray has on Sunday 4th April 2021, donated a brand new Generator and 40 liters of fuel to the  Bambawo Mosque in the  Milton Margai Section of Kenema.

In  previous Ramadan months,  non-perishable food items were donated. There seems to be a paradigm shift from food donations to infrastructural and sustainable rehabilitation of some major Mosques. Poor electricity Management has over the years disturbed Muslims in their normal ways of worshipping Allah. The NPPA Chief as an incomparable personality among the country’s patriots is poised to pay maximum attention to providing light for the Mosques. Few people are looked up to to vigorously step up providing basic equipment and other assistance required for the sound management of the various Mosques.

The performing procurement guru has embarked on providing electricity and rehabilitating few Mosques  in Kenema City in  order to appease God in guiding President Bio and his appointees to lead the nation to a prosperous destination.

The NPPA Chief, Ibrahim Swarray is on record for leading President Bio’s dream to take the nation not only to a regulatory and monitoring level, but to care for the needs of the  grassroots.

The Iman of the Bambawo Mosque had this to say;

“Ramadan is approaching; a month of blessing in which Allah (SWL) covers one with blessings, sends down mercy, decreases sins, and answers prayers. In the  month of Ramadan Allah (SWL) looks at ones competition in good deeds, and boasts about them to His angels. So, show Allah utmost goodness from your souls” he noted.

He maintained that the “Prophet Muhammad (PBH) as narrated by Tabarani to millions of Muslims around the world, the blessed month of Ramadan is a time of reflection, reverence, fasting, prayer, patience, and charity. For us at Islamic Relief, Ramadan is the month that defines who we are and what we are about”, he confirmed.

 Honoring the traditions of the blessed month of Ramadan, Chief Ibrahim Brima Swarray is turning  to lighting the Mosques within his region and beyond.

In his keynote address Mr. Swarray explained that prayer, giving Zakat, and whatever good one puts forward would be found with Allah. Surely Allah sees what one does.”

—The Holy Quran 2:110

Giving a percentage of ones income, Zakat is a core pillar of the Islamic faith. Giving through Islamic Relief has the potential to impact lives in big ways for years and years to come”, he reaffirmed.

He called on Muslims around the world to continue praying for the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio and every appointed member of his government to deliver on the scared mandate. He pleaded with Allah (God) to unite the Country for a common purpose.

The donation was facilitated by Mr. BOCKARIE Lahai Deno.

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