Expression of Interest (EOI) – All Logistics ServicesThe United Nations World Food Programme, Sierra Leone (WFP) invites interested companies with a proven track record of relevant experience to submit their Expression of Interest for the provision of the following services:
1. Provision of Road Transport (Food and Non-Food Items) to all locations in SierraLeone.
2. Third Party Logistics Services, field-level warehousing, transport, and food handling.
3. Commodity handling, Labour, and Warehouse Cleaning Services..
4. Vehicle Workshop Waste Management Services.
5. Break bulk food import clearing and forwarding, logistics operations.
All interested and qualified companies are requested to email WFP at sierraleone.logisticsoperations@wfp.org with ‘logistics vendor EOI’ in the subject, to request a vendor questionnaire.
WFP is interested in receiving Expressions of Interest nationally and has offices in Freetown, Makeni and Kenema..
The closing date for the EOI is 10 November at 18:00 and interested vendors are encouraged to submit their EOI before this date.
This Invitation for Expression of Interest does not amount to a commitment on the part of WFP either financially or otherwise, WFP reserves the right to accept or reject any or all requests for a questionnaire with no further obligation on the part of WFP.