US Embassy Responds to US Air Force Plane Landing at Lungi Airport

  • By Owl
  • 23 June 2024
  • 0

The U.S. Embassy in Freetown has recently addressed and dispelled misinformation regarding the landing of a U.S. Air Force plane at Lungi International Airport.

According to an official statement released on their Twitter account, @USEmbFreetown, the embassy clarified that the aircraft’s landing was solely for routine refueling purposes, and it departed shortly after.

In their tweet, the embassy stated, “We are aware of some misinformation about a U.S. Air Force plane that was seen landing at Lungi Airport. A plane landed for routine refueling, and promptly left Sierra Leone. Rumors of the plane landing in Sierra Leone for any other purpose are false.”

The embassy’s statement aimed to quell speculations and assure the public that there were no undisclosed activities associated with the plane’s brief stopover. The embassy emphasized that such refueling stops are common and do not indicate any other agenda beyond logistical necessities.

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