Sierra Leone Bar Association Condemns Police Obstruction Of Extraordinary General Meeting

  • By Owl
  • 12 July 2024
  • 0

By: Abdul Razack Gbla

On July 10, 2024, members of the Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA), a company limited by guarantee, were prevented from convening at the New Brookfields Hotel for a requisitioned Extraordinary General Meeting. The meeting, scheduled for 2 p.m., faced unexpected obstruction when armed officers of the Sierra Leone Police appeared at the venue’s entrance as early as 7 a.m.

According to a press statement released on behalf of the requisitionist members of the SLBA by Augustine Sorie-Sengbe Marrah and Wara Serry-Kamal, the police officers barricaded the gate and refused entry to the members. Despite numerous appeals by the association members to be allowed entry, the police remained unyielding and instead resorted to intimidation tactics, including the display of rifles and tear gas launchers.

The SLBA has unequivocally condemned the police’s actions as a blatant violation of constitutional rights, specifically the freedom of assembly and freedom of movement. The situation escalated further when police officers allegedly used pepper spray on the members gathered at the entrance, resulting in actual bodily harm. This action has been strongly condemned by the association as a flagrant violation of the right to protection against inhuman treatment and as a criminal act of assault.

In their statement, the SLBA expressed their determination to seek all available legal remedies and redress for these violations by the Sierra Leone Police. They emphasised that the police have a constitutional duty to protect and enhance democratic practices, not to act as instruments of constitutional violations.

The SLBA called on the police to reflect on their historical actions, which they claim have often been on the wrong side of history. The association should urged the police to seize opportunities to redeem themselves by adhering to lawful and fair practices, contributing to the development of a democratic and better Sierra Leone.

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