Medical Mission Mission Brings Vital Healthcare to Mile 91, Sierra Leone

By: Abdul Razack Gbla

Families Without Borders Board Member, Dr. Hamid Khonsari, collaborated with the Community Health Foundation to conduct a vital medical mission in Mile 91, Sierra Leone. This mission, held in June, aimed to address the severe healthcare needs of the local population.

The hospital in Mile 91, the focal point of the mission, was established by Linda Muckson Sesay, a native of Sierra Leone now residing in the United States. Her dedication to her homeland has provided a lifeline to the community, which boasts a population of 65,000. The hospital, equipped with a single doctor and numerous nurses, is a pillar of hope in an area with limited access to medical services.

Joining Dr. Khonsari on this mission were Dr. Tina Edraki, Dr. Tracy Burns, and Fariba Yegan. Together, the team brought their expertise and compassion to Sierra Leone, treating hundreds of residents suffering from a range of serious medical conditions.

Dr. Khonsari expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference, stating, “It’s an honor to be part of a mission that brings essential healthcare services to those in dire need. The community’s resilience and gratitude have been profoundly inspiring.”

The mission’s impact was palpable, with patients receiving much-needed medical attention that otherwise might not have been available. From addressing chronic illnesses to performing emergency procedures, the team’s efforts have left an indelible mark on the Mile 91 community.

Linda Muckson Sesay, reflecting on the mission, said, “Seeing the hospital serve my people and knowing that dedicated professionals like Dr. Khonsari and his team are willing to travel great distances to help, reaffirms my belief in the power of giving back.”

The success of this mission demonstrated the critical importance of international cooperation in addressing global health disparities. It also highlights the enduring connection between the Sierra Leonean diaspora and their homeland, facilitating the power of hope and renewal.

With the team preparing to return home, plans are already underway for future missions to Mile 91, ensuring that the community continues to receive the healthcare it desperately needs. The collaboration between Families Without Borders and the Community Health Foundation is proof of what can be achieved when compassion and expertise come together for a common cause.

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