Freetown, 19 November 2020. The Legal Aid Board has today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Dorwontony Organisation for the Aged (DOFA) to improve access to the scheme.

The MOU is geared towards ensuring older people have unhindered access to legal aid services provided by the Board which will enhance their access to justice. This will entail DOFA channeling all legal aid needs and challenges of the aged to the Board.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Executive Director of the Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles expressed delight at the partnership saying DOFA is a professional organization dealing with a specific category of vulnerable people the Board is eager to reach out to.
She welcomed the partnership noting she looks forward to a joint meeting at the home of the aged at Grafton. Ms. Carlton-Hanciles said she is personally touched to see young people involved in pursuing the interests of the aged.

She urged the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DOFA, Doreen Barrie to ensure the organization respect the rights of the aged. She encouraged DOFA to follow the example of Mother Theresa emphasizing that it should focus more on what they can do for the aged and less on what the Government has done or is doing for them.
In a short statement, the CEO of DOFA said she is excited to sign the MOU right in the presence of their first referral case to the Board. Ms. Barrie expressed optimism that the partnership will grow to a level that will see more old people benefit from it.
The ceremony was climaxed with the signing of the MOU.
Credit: Moriba Kamara