Job Vacancies at the National Public Procurement Authority- NPPA

  • By Owl
  • 13 May 2021
  • 2


The National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) is a fundamental part of the regulatory institutions of public financial management with the principal object to ensure a corrupt-free, effective, and efficient service delivery in the procurement of goods, works and services in a timely manner to achieve value for money. As such, the Authority is empowered by the composition of statutory and regulatory instruments which include the Public Procurement Act ,2016, the Public Procurement Regulations, 2020, Procurement Manual and Standard Bidding Documents.

Pursuant to Section 14(1) of the Public Procurement Act 2016, the object for which the NPPA is established is to regulate and monitor public procurement in Sierra Leone and to advise the Government on issues relating to public procurement for economic development. Details of its strategic and very important functions in good governance are provided for in Section 14(2) of the Act. It is against this backdrop that the Authority advertises to solicit applications from suitably qualified Sierra Leoneans with requisite competence to fill the vacancy as provided below with its accompanying requirements.


LocationFreetown – Head office
Immediate SupervisorDirector of Finance  


The Senior Finance Officer analyses key financial information to provide feedback that will aid managerial planning and decision making that will ensure financial stability of the Authority.


The Senior Finance Officer upholds financial policies and maintains management information systems, combining the need for a candidate with accounting and business management skills. Other duties as part of the Senior Finance Officer’s job description shall include:

  • Budgeting and reporting
  • Advising on strategic planning and financial planning
  • Completing all tax-related material
  • Overseeing benefits and compensation packages
  • Creating financial statements for internal and external company requirements
  • Providing financial analysis and forecasting
  • Supporting and meeting the external and Internal Auditors information needs
  • supervising the finance team of revenue, expenditure, and payroll


The Senior Finance Officer Must at the minimum have a master’s degree in accounting and or finance or Part qualified ACCA (at professional stage), Must have served in a reputable public sector institution as key Finance staff for at least Three (3) years, Must have some Auditing background with strong skills in reporting, and Must be knowledgeable on the reporting requirements for public sector institutions.


A keen knowledge of accounting would be beneficial, as well as the following core skills:

  • Strong attention to detail.
  • Organistional skills.                                                                                                                    
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Critical and analytical thinking.
  • Communication skills.
  • Experienced in accounting system such as Quick Books, MS Dynamics, etc.
  • Computer literate with proficiency in excel usage.
  • Team player.

As this role oversees critical data for the Authority, a candidate’s mathematical abilities and business knowledge will be integral due to the breadth of financial information he/she will oversee.


This advertisement can also be acquired by a visit to the website of the National Public Procurement Authority at

Please place in the subject line of your email OR on the top left corner of the envelope, the title of position you are applying for.

To be considered, the application must be received NOT LATER THAN 28TH MAY 2021.

Successful applicants for employment are cautioned that the requirements in this advertisement are not exhaustive and shall be given comprehensive scheme of service for the specified position.

National Public Procurement Authority

           OAU Drive, Tower Hill, Freetown


                                            Phone: +232 88-789-329/79-902-460

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