JOB ADVERT: Freetown City Council – Human Resource Consultant

  • By Owl
  • 5 April 2024
  • 0
FCC Job Advert: Senior Project Officer (SPO)



Purpose of Activity/Assignment:

To provide technical support to the Freetown City Council

1. Staff or Organization Rationalization: this means having a mor`1  e effective structure. In human resource context, it is referred to as discharge of an employee when his job ceases to exist or adding employees for a competitive advantage. Often rationalization occurs when an institution is seeking to improve its bottom line and improve revenue.
2. ⁠the second is Performance Management: it is a continuous process of communicating and clarifying job responsibilities, priorities, performance expectations and development planning that optimize an individual’s performance and aligns with the institution strategic objectives.


Performance management remains a critical need in the Freetown City Council (FCC). This has been thrown up at several meetings and forum as one of the key setbacks in driving evidence-based planning, resource mobilization, and results management in the Council. In the recent past, FCC has undergone several engagements across all units within the Council to align its set objectives to specific outcomes of the different departments and units for the achievement of the Transform Freetown plan.

There have also been efforts to develop and harmonize indicators and tools for tracking results of all departments and units. Despite these efforts, the uptake and implementation of the Transform Freetown plan and use of the existing tools remain a challenge. Routine data collection and updates are currently not taking place at any level, while the existing FCC performance infrastructure has become stale and obsolete. The availability of a system for routine monitoring and performance tracking to measure progress over time and provide critical information to support prompt decision-making towards scaling up and accelerating FCC services.

 Justification: If FCC must make progress toward achieving the set Transform Freetown plan with an inclusive Performance Management outlook, there is a need to expand investment in staff rationalisation, performance management and put in place a robust system to routinely track the improvements in FCC services and behaviours in line with the Transform Freetown indicators and requirements. There is a need for deliberate efforts to streamline, systematize and scale-up revenue generation and data management in the Council. Availability of reliable and up-to-date data for the departments and units will make room for units wide planning, priority setting, effective resource mobilization and application. 

The detailed scope of work for the Consultant will include the following:

  1. Collate, clean up and compile existing department’s data into a structured database with attributes of ease of access.
  2. Develop an automated system of performance management and facilities to ensure discrete identities of the units.
  3. Develop interactive and user-friendly inputs and outputs interphases with user rights defined across all levels.
  4. Development of an integrated data input processes using multiple channels (desktop, SMS, online).
  5. Develop interactive management dashboards with query-building capabilities, including trend analysis.
  6. Develop interactive learning tools to support trainings on the use of the application.
  7. Support training activities at the national and sub-national levels on the roll-out of the system.
  8.  Generate and disseminate quarterly database summary reports across the departments and sub-units’ levels.
  9. Assess and define infrastructural requirements for the building of the system and provide details specifications for the procurement of the needed software and hosting service
  10. Submit monthly progress report

Management, Organization and Timeframe

The Consultant shall work with a Desk Officer assigned by the Chief Administrator/ HR. The Consultant will be supervised directly by HR Officer with oversight role by the Mayor and Deputy and Chief Administrator. The consultant will be expected to submit the deliverables electronically based on the work schedule. The deliverables will be certified by the HR. Officer. Further, the Consultant will prepare and present monthly progress updates against agreed targets at the end of each month and a final report at the end of the consultancy.

How to apply:

Send your CV and a covering letter in English to the Deputy Chief Administrator, Freetown City Council or on email:  

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The deadline for applications is on Tuesday, 16th April 2024.

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