GIZ:Call for expression of interest C40 Cities Finance Facility Due Diligence Mission & Gap Assessment to Freetown

GIZ: Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) for the recruitment of a consultant to Develop Energy Projects through Strengthening PI-CREF in Sierra Leone (DevEP)


About the CFF

The C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) was created in response to the challenge of lack of bankable projects in cities and the inadequate capacity of cities to prepare and deliver such project proposals. Launched at COP21 in Paris, the CFF supports cities in developing countries and emerging economies to develop finance-ready sustainable, low carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure projects. The CFF’s theory of change rests on unlocking finance for climate action in cities through rigorous project preparation and converting cities’ sustainability priorities into finance-ready investment proposals. In-depth capacity development by CFF enables supported cities to undertake further projects without external support. Detailed knowledge sharing supports the replication of these successful experiences.

The CFF has received a project proposal, “Freetown Cable Car Pilot Project – East Line”, from the Mayors Delivery Unit in Freetown. The Cable Car provides a solution to the urban mobility challenges in Sierra Leone’s capital city, Freetown and supports the city’s efforts towards carbon neutrality by 2050. The proposal is a request to CFF for technical assistance to progress with the feasibility study for the Freetown Cable Car Pilot Route Project.  

A pre-feasibility study was undertaken by Freetown City Council (FCC) which included working with a cable car manufacturer to undertake a technical appraisal of potential route options and developing an outline business case. Freetown City Council is seeking technical assistance to prepare the project for private sector investment by developing the necessary internal structures & systems and undertaking studies to prepare for private investment.

The Cable Car project acts as a catalyst for larger transformational change to the city of Freetown. The project will deliver a set of outputs to the benefit of Freetown’s inhabitants. These include the up to 30% reduction of GHG from traffic and other air pollutants (e.g., PM2.5, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide). Road transport in the city contributes up to 33% of the city’s GHG emissions in 2018, making it on-road transport one of the significant contributors of GHG emissions. Public transport in Freetown makes up 80% of road traffic volume, (Minibuses – 44%; Taxi – 25%; Motorcycles – 26%; Buses- 4%). 

Objectives of this Assignment

  1. Support to DD mission:
    1. A research report containing an assessment of all technical aspects of the project as well as an appraisal of the prospective partner city in light of the project itself
    1. In-person accompaniment of the DD mission
    1. Provide a well-founded DD report

2.    Support to Gap Assessment:   

  • A thorough gap assessment report, lining out all relevant institutional, financial, technical, and legal gaps of the project
    • A comprehensive workplan to guide the CFF work in taking the project to financial readiness

Submission condition

  • Adherence to business regulatory measures in Sierra Leone – payment of taxes and social benefits: clearance certificate of NRA, and NASSIT
  • Based and registered in Sierra Leone: Valid Certificate of Business Registration.
  • Valid license for operation of such business in Sierra Leone
  • Outline of the proposed business idea for sustainable growth (0.5 page / max. 300 words)
    • Company profile, including contact details (1 page, max. 600words)

Submission of Expressions of Interest

Companies should submit their “Expression of Interest”

 Email to with the subject “EoI Due Diligent Mission & Gap Assessment”

Not later than 28th February 2022, 5:00 PM local time. Submission should not exceed two pages (excluding copies of documents) using font and font size of Arial and 11 respectively, at line spacing 1.15. For any questions, contact with the subject “EoI Due Diligent Mission & Gap Assessment”.

Only prequalified interested enterprises will be contacted with a template for additional information for the next level of assessment. However, a brief profile that details enterprise experiences either in similar partnership and/or creating job opportunities for youth and women would be required.

2 comments on “GIZ:Call for expression of interest C40 Cities Finance Facility Due Diligence Mission & Gap Assessment to Freetown

  1. Is there any agricultural project to come?
    Presently looking for help to support my cashew nuts plantation and pineapple garden.

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