GIZ: Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)For the Recruitment of a Firm to Formulate a National Land Rehabilitation Strategy and Costed Action Plan for the Artisanal and Small-scale Mining Sector 

GIZ: Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)For the Recruitment of a Firm to Formulate a National Land Rehabilitation Strategy and Costed Action Plan for the Artisanal and Small-scale Mining Sector 

Cosoft N°:  83475949

Project Number: 22.2210.7-002.00 

1.     Background of the Regional Resource Governance Project in West Africa III

The extractive sector is an essential source of livelihood for many people in the four countries of the Mano River Union (MRU): Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and holds great potential for growth for the Member States. Reforms in line with the African Mining Vision (AMV) of the African Union have driven crucial processes to promote the direct and indirect benefits of the sector, especially from gold, diamonds, bauxite and iron ore. However, the sector in the MRU Region is often confronted with social conflicts, environmentally harmful mining methods, human rights violations, insufficient civil society participation, nontransparent revenue management and systemic corruption. In the past, revenues from the extraction of and trade with minerals fuelled armed conflicts in the region, the consequences of which can still be felt today. A greater contribution of the sector towards inclusive development can minimise the risk of such conflicts. Bringing the production and smuggling of gold and diamonds from artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) under control is particularly challenging. Customs and border officials have little knowledge on mineral resources and illegal transport. mechanisms across national borders, obstructing the creation of sustainable and transparent minerals supply chains.

Against this background, and with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, partner governments are trying to turn raw materials into engines for long-term development. The focus is on the transparency of supply chains and their alignment with the principles of social and ecological sustainability. The project makes important contributions to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular to End Poverty (SDG 1), to Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), to Responsible Production and Consumption (SDG 12), to the Environment and Climate Action (SDG 13), to Justice, Peace and strong Institutions (SDG 16) and to Partnerships (SDG 17).

2.     Our Approach

The project advises key actors in the partner countries on how to make minerals supply chains more transparent and socially and ecologically responsible by improving the institutional and legal framework governing the sector. The partner organisations include government institutions at regional, national and local level, civil society organisations and the private sector. Our approach combines strengthening the capacities of individuals, institutions and networks with technical and policy advice. The work of the project is structured in two fields:

  1. Strengthening the capacity of relevant national authorities to enforce governance, environmental and social standards in the mining sector and its supply chains, including aspects of traceability and prevention of illicit financial flows.
  2. Supporting civil society actors in establishing and using tools to register grievances and finding solutions to sustainability.

problems in the mining sector.

3. Objective of the Assignment

The Resource Governance Project at the German International Cooperation (GIZ) co-funded by the German Ministry for Economic Corporation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU) implementing the Resource Governance Project in West Africa, is seeking expressions of interest from competent firms to develop a comprehensive national land rehabilitation strategy and costed action master plan for areas impacted by artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in Sierra Leone. This initiative aims to restore the environment, create sustainable jobs, promote alternative livelihoods, and build community resilience, especially in the ASM communities of Sierra Leone.

The primary objective of the assignment is to formulate a holistic and sustainable approach to rehabilitate lands affected by ASM activities in Sierra Leone. The selected firm will develop a robust, practical, and inclusive national land rehabilitation strategy, along with a detailed costed action master plan. This plan will emphasize environmental sustainability, socio-economic development, and community engagement.

4. Scope of Work

The scope of the work includes, but is not limited to, the following tasks:

  1. Conduct a baseline assessment to analyze the environmental, social, and economic impacts of artisanal mining in the targeted areas.
  2. Develop a comprehensive land rehabilitation framework, including ecological restoration, biodiversity conservation, and land use strategies.
  3. Propose sustainable alternative livelihoods and capacity-building programs for ASM communities.
  4. Design a costed action master plan with short, medium, and long-term interventions, timelines, and resource requirements.
  5. Develop strategies to address illegal mining practices and promote community development.
    Ensure alignment with local and international legal frameworks, including climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

5. Eligibility Criteria

The ideal consultancy firm should possess the following qualifications:

  • The Service Provider gives poof of good standing, commercial qualification, payment of taxes and social benefits: Clearance certificate of NRA and NASSIT
  • The Service Provider is based and registered in Sierra Leone: Certificate of Business Registration
  • The Service Provider should have minimum of 10 years’ experience in the tasks outlined in the objective and scope of work and in the ASM sector in Sierra Leone and show a wide understanding of the topic: A brief company profile that details the experience in delivering similar tasks with project team members having the following qualifications below:
  1. An advanced degree in Environmental Science, Land Management, Forestry, Agriculture, Mining Engineering or a related field.
  2. At least 10 years of experience in land rehabilitation and environmental restoration, particularly in areas affected by mining.
  3. Proven experience in the Sierra Leone or West Africa mining sectors, including knowledge of relevant laws and regulations.
  4. Experience in community engagement, policy development, and capacity-building programs.
  5. Demonstrated ability to work with government, civil society, and international organizations.

6. Submission Requirements

The qualified firms will be required required to submit the following documents:

  1. A technical proposal outlining the approach and methodology for the assignment.
  2. A financial proposal detailing the consultant’s fees, including a breakdown of costs.
  3. A detailed CV of the team highlighting relevant qualifications and experience.
  4. Samples of similar projects or strategies previously completed.
  5. References from previous clients, preferably in the mining or environmental sectors.

The information and documents specified above shall be submitted ONLY via mail to SL_Quotation@giz.denot later than the 04th of November 2024   


The size of the EOI is limited to 30MB. In case your EOI exceeds the maximum data size, documents must be sent via file transfer.

Additionally, If your bid file is greater that 10MB, we recommend that you split the EOI into several emails (<10MB).

Your email must be titled: “Cosoft  83475949_Expression of Interest National Land rehabilitation strategy”

Note: Please do not send technical or price offer or other documents not requested. Kindly note that complete tender documents will be sent to all companies that will be assessed as eligible by GIZ based on the information and documents submitted as specified above.

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