PN: 20.2105.3-001
COSOFT NO: 83445472
The Employment Promotion Programme IV (EPP IV) in Sierra Leone is co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union. The programme is steered and hosted by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MoPED) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. EPP’s goal is to enhance the employability of young people on both the supply (TVET) and demand (private sector) side.
Poultry farming is one of the enterprises undertaken by many Sierra Leoneans as either for
subsistence or for business to support their livelihood. According to studies, over 200 million eggs is consumed annually by Sierra Leoneans and only 20% of this met by local production under very challenging conditions. Amidst a number of challenges in poultry farming, layer farming is still one of the most popular aspect in poultry production as compared to broiler production. Our Business Promoters (BPs) have therefore chosen to raise layers for their dual (egg and meat) benefits or commercial viability.
Day-old-chicks will be order from an experienced poultry farmer that will help the BPs in the management system for a start in order to increase on the perform of the birds for better productivity. However, in order to maximize productivity and reduce the risk of high mortality and related brooding challenges, a laying flock (pullets) will be recommended. This means, desirable layers of 13-16 weeks from commercial growers will underscore the management efficiency of any given poultry farm.
Broad objective
The broad objective is to procure 2500 day-old-chicks or 2000 started pullets for new entrants into poultry farming as a profitable business
Specifically, the contractor will provide:
Option 1
- 2500 day-old-chicks
- 120 bags (50-Kg) of Starter mash
- 350 bags (50-Kg) of grower mash
- 50 pieces of day-old feeders
- 5 pieces of plastic drinkers
- 200 bags (50Kg) of layers mash
- 2 months visitation to 5 farm sites for routine administration of vaccines and related treatments
Option 2
1). 2000 starter pullet (between 13016 weeks old)
2). 60 bags (50-Kg) of Starter mash
3). 175 bags (50-Kg) of grower mash
4). 25 pieces of day-old feeders
5). 5 pieces of plastic drinkers
6). 110 bags (50Kg) of layers mash
7) 1-month visitation to 5 farm sites for routine administration of vaccines and related treatments
Interested contractor(s) will have to show evidence of capacity (existence of poultry farm) and experience in poultry farm management.
Specific tasks to be performed
- Upon signing the contract, develop a detailed activity plan to be discussed and agreed upon with the technical team in Freetown.
- Work closely with five (5) beneficiaries: Lunsar/Port-Loko, Koidu/Kono and Makeni/Bombali.
- Procure and deliver either option 1 or option 2 of the specifications mentioned above (specific objectives)
- Provides competent or efficient service provider to provide management advisory services (proper bedding, positioning of feeders and drinkers, regulation of heat, vaccination, antibiotics) of two months to beneficiaries of day-old-chicks (option 1).
- Or Provides competent or efficient service provider to provide management advisory services (proper bedding, positioning of feeders and drinkers, regulation of heat, vaccination, antibiotics) of one month to beneficiaries of starter pullets (option 2)
- Provide basic instruction guide on the proper management of poultry especially on layers
- Provide advisory services on the type of records needed
Lunsar/Port-Loko, Makeni/Bombali and Koidu/Kono.
Duration of assignment
The contractual assignment will be implemented in the month of August/September 2023
A leader/entrepreneur with expertise in:
- Raising of chickens (layers) for maximum productivity
Key Deliverables
- Option 1: deliver 2500 chickens, feed and provide routine services
- Option 2: deliver 2000 chickens, feed and provide routine services
Eligibility criteria and documents to be submitted by the enterprise
Enterprises/companies interested should submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) to receive the integral Terms of Reference. The firm and the proposed personnel must have (hands on) successfully implemented similar interventions; raising or management of layers. The EoI should include:
- proof of good standing, commercial qualification, payment of taxes and social benefits: Clearance certificate of NRA and NASSIT
- proof that the service provider is based and registered in Sierra Leone: Certificate of Business Registration
- the CV of the personnel proposed for the assignment (leader)
- the work plan for the assignment
Submission of Expressions of Interest
Service providers should submit their “Expression of Interest” to the email address SL_Quotation@giz.de
not later than Thursday 24th August 2023, 5:00 PM local time, clearly tittle with “EoI for supply and management of chickens (layers)”
Submission should not exceed two pages (excluding copies of documents and CVs) using font and font size of Arial and 11 respectively at line spacing 1.15. For any questions, contact Email: SL_Inquiry@giz.de with the subject “EoI for supply and management of chickens (layers)” not later than 2:00pm Tuesday 22nd August 2023.
Only prequalified applicants will be contacted with a bid document for a more detailed information regarding the technical and financial offers.