Residents of Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone yesterday 8 February extolled the Mayor of Freetown ,Her Worship, Yvonne Aki-Sawyer OBE, Mayor of the Freetown City Council (FCC) for her continuous leadership in transforming Freetown despite the prevalence of the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Those residing in Freetown, who we normally known as Freetonians have expressed their admiration over the way and manner in which the Mayor has been discharging her duties and responsibilities after officially and successfully launching the Transform Freetown Second Year Report at the FCC Conference Hall in Freetown.

Mr. Bockarie Amadu , a resident of Lumley said since he came to Freetown for the past 31 years this is the biggest transformation he has ever witnessed citing the cleanliness of the city, support to the construction of culverts all cross their community, footbridges, the clearing of garbage etc. “Such moves are contributing largely in terms of enhancing good hyiegine and sanitation thereby preventing contracting certain diseases,” he averred.

He said if we have such leaders across other Local Government Councils in Sierra Leone development will be the hall mark of Sierra Leone.
Madam Olivette Jones said as Freetonians they are very pleased with the amount of transformation Mayor Aki-Sawyer have brought to the city. She further stated that the Mayor is very transparent in all her dealings in ensuring that the people of Freetown get what they are supposed to get.
She called on the central Government to give support to such Councils as they are really helping in the transformation of their communities.

Haja Fatmata Bangura from Ferry Junction revealed that the fact that the Mayor of Freetown organises Press Conferences to communicate to Freetonians about what has happened within the second year of transforming Freetown tells how much the Mayor has respect for her constituents.

She made it categorically clear that she and others will continue to support Aki- Sawyer because she is the type of leader they are looking forward to.
Marie Turay at Congo Market expressed her gratitude to the Mayor for the construction of the first ever free pre-school for the children of market women.

She said they as market women have been given the opportunity for their children to gain access to quality education just as the children of the rich.
Many market women expressed similar sentiments over the transformative drive of the Mayor of Freetown despite the fact that she hails from the main opposition APC party.
Many people who. the Owl newspaper interviewed said the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development should use the Mayor of Freetown as a case study to show others heading the various Councils in order for them to emulate her impressive strides.

Credit: Owl Press