FAO Rep. Tours Project Implementation Sites In 3 Districts

  • By Owl
  • 13 August 2024
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FAO Rep. Tours Project Implementation Sites In 3 Districts

FAO Representative in Sierra Leone, Saeed A. Bancie, has, over the weekend, ended a 5-day field visit to project implementation sites in Tonkolili, Bo, and Kenema districts. The purpose of the visit by the FAO Country Representative is to assess the progress, impact, and implementation of the ‘Youths at Risk’ project in Sierra Leone, as well as the Food Systems Resilient Program (FSRP) being implemented by the Government of Sierra Leone in collaboration with various partners. The visit aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the projects in addressing the challenges faced by vulnerable youth, improving livelihoods, enhancing food security, and building resilience within the targeted communities of Kenema, Tonkolili, and other districts involved in the initiatives.

Additionally, the visit seeks to gather insights, provide support, and strengthen partnerships to further advance the goals and objectives of these projects for the benefit of the vulnerable youth, farmers and communities in Sierra Leone. 

Youths At Risk Project:

The Youth at Risk project in Sierra Leone is funded by the United Nations Peace Building Funds. The project aims to address the challenges faced by vulnerable youth in the regions of Kenema and Tonkolili. This project focuses on providing support, skills training, and opportunities for youth at risk of social exclusion and conflict involvement. It has developed livelihood and community infrastructures to benefit both the youth at risk and the community. During the visit, the FAO Rep. inspected bakeries, flour processing machines, rice mills, poultry farms, and community recreational facilities that are near completion. Addressing a diverse group of beneficiaries of the “Youth at Risk Project” who have undergone training and received various forms of support to enhance their livelihoods., Bancie Remarked that “progress observed was impressive, showcasing how these projects are empowering local communities and driving sustainable development.” He said. 

Food Systems Resilient Program (FSRP):

 On the other hand, the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS), FAO, and the World Bank, is implementing the Food Systems Resilient Program. This program aims to reduce food and nutrition insecurity and enhance the resilience of food systems for vulnerable communities in Sierra Leone. The program utilizes the IVS rehabilitation and Livestock components. The IVS technical package concentrates on six districts based on a revised modality with the government, while the Livestock component focuses on eight districts.

The targets include rehabilitating 850 hectares of Inland Valley Swamps (IVS) for rice and vegetable production using a cash-for-work approach to promote youth employment in vulnerable communities for 4,000 youths. Additionally, restocking of improved small ruminants and local poultry in selected communities aims to build resilience against food and nutrition insecurity in Sierra Leone, benefiting 3,810 livestock farmers. At Mathoir, Mile 91, and Blama, the FAO Rep and his team met with the District Agriculture Officer, Mr Mathew Kenneh, Irrigation Engineer Mr Francis Vandi Kabba, and local community and project stakeholders to assess the progress and challenges of the project. 

The FAO Rep was pleased to observe that farmers were implementing new techniques and tools to increase their crop yields. He also noted the positive impact on the local economy, as increased production will result in more produce being sold in local markets.

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