Dr. Richard Conteh Criticizes ECSL’s Silence on APC’s Demand for Clarity on 2023 Presidential Election Results

  • By Owl
  • 14 June 2024
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Dr. Richard Conteh, a prominent figure within the All People’s Congress (APC), has publicly voiced his disappointment with the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) for its reluctance to address the APC’s request for clarification regarding the analysis of the 2023 presidential election results.

Dr. Conteh expressed deep concern over the ECSL’s refusal to cooperate with the APC’s legitimate inquiry, emphasizing the critical importance of transparency and accountability in maintaining the integrity of democratic processes. He stressed that such transparency is fundamental for democracy to thrive and urged the ECSL to engage in constructive dialogue to address the APC’s concerns.

The ECSL, in response to the APC’s letter signed by Dr. Kaifala Marah, Dr. Richard Conteh, Ambassador Dr. Alimamy P. Koroma, Boniface Sidikie Kamara, Bernadette Kargbo, Prince Tholley, and David Fornah, issued a letter dated June 12, 2024.

However, the ECSL noted that the APC’s letter did not adhere to administrative procedures outlined in the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the Cross-Party Committee on Electoral Systems and Management Bodies Review. Instead, the ECSL referred the APC to previous correspondences and meetings where similar matters were purportedly addressed, including face-to-face meetings held on May 28, 2024.Dr. Conteh’s statement reflects broader concerns within the APC regarding the ECSL’s handling of the electoral process.

The APC perceives the ECSL’s lack of responsiveness and transparency as undermining the democratic principles essential for fair and free elections. The party contends that clear and open communication from the ECSL, particularly regarding the contentious 2023 presidential election results, is imperative.The APC’s request for clarification stems from identified discrepancies and concerns regarding the election results, which the party believes necessitate a thorough and transparent review.

The ECSL’s failure to provide the requested clarifications is seen as evading accountability and fostering growing mistrust in the electoral system among both the public and political stakeholders.Dr. Conteh and the APC have called on the ECSL to reconsider its position and engage in meaningful dialogue to resolve these issues.

They emphasize that constructive engagement and transparency are crucial for upholding the credibility of the electoral process and ensuring public confidence in the democratic system.

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