A relative of Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Germany. Dr..Baimba Baryoh has been deported from Berlin, Germany after her asylum claims were rejected by the German authorities.
She was one of the accompanying relatives of the Ambassador but reports say she suddenly absconded from the ambassadorial residence several months before her deportation and only showed up later requesting that asylum be granted her.
The grounds for her wanting asylum were not explained to this press but a source at the Foreign Ministry in Freetown confided in this medium that Ambassador Baryoh was refused access to her whilst her asylum request was still being processed.
Then came last month when the ambassador was officially notified through a letter from the German government that his relative was to be deported and given up to December 21st 2020 to leave Germany.

When further enquired our Foreign Ministry source told this press that the ambassador is yet to inform them about the deportation though the Ministry has learnt of it from other reliable sources.
In another development,the ambassador is in serious state of dilemma as he has been served a letter from a lawyer demanding explanation for the recall of his deputy without any official letter from the German government as should be the case with his only explanation being that he was given verbal instruction which sounds very absurd in diplomacy
The Ambassador is therefore said to have sent the letter to Freetown for advise. Which means the ambassador deceived the government of Sierra Leone into taking an action of recall that did not come from the German government.
Ironically, the former Head Of Chancery who retired few weeks ago wasn’t aware of such a decision and was shocked to receive a recall letter from Freetown for Mr. Leigh and he himself sparking questions as to the reason because he did not receive any initial letter from the German authorities as protocols demand. Our source did not delve further but confirmed to this press that the Ministry is yet to respond to the lawyer’s letter sent to Freetown by the Ambassador.