Bar Association Presidential Aspirants Condemn Unlawful Board Activities, Call for Extraordinary General Meeting

Presidential aspirants for the Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA), Augustine Sorie-Sengbe Marrah and Wara Serry-Kamal, have issued a press release addressing concerns over recent events within the Association.

The release states that members of the SLBA have become aware of reports indicating that individuals claiming to be members of a purportedly elected, yet illegitimate, Board have conducted a courtesy visit to a state institution. The aspirants reiterated that no valid elections were held in Kenema, prompting members to requisition an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to set a new date for their Annual General Meeting (AGM).

“We categorically condemn those posing as the duly elected Board and urge all state institutions to refrain from endorsing this unlawful Board,” the statement reads. “Granting recognition to such a Board not only undermines the integrity of our Association’s democratic processes, but also the principles of justice and fairness that we all must uphold.”

Marrah and Serry-Kamal called upon the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) and other governmental and non-governmental bodies to maintain their impartiality and support the rule of law. They emphasized the importance of ensuring that the genuine voices of the Association’s members are respected and safeguarded.

The situation has created significant concern among SLBA members, who are eager to see the Association’s democratic processes upheld and the principles of justice maintained. The call for an EGM aims to resolve the issues and set a clear path forward for the SLBA.

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