In the letter dated 24 August 2023, Alan S. M. Benjamin Esq., the Legal and Compliance Manager of RAIC, detailed the grounds for the application and cited relevant provisions of the Right to Access Information Act. The Act empowers individuals to seek a review when public authorities refuse to provide requested information or fail to respond within specified time limits.
According to Section 44 of the Act, the burden of proof lies with the public authority to demonstrate that it acted in compliance with its obligations under the law. Additionally, Section 45 stipulates that RAIC must review the case promptly and make a decision based on the responses from both the complainant and the relevant public authority.
The Electoral Commission has been given seven days from the date of receipt of the letter to respond to the application. Failure to do so could result in RAIC making its decision based on the available documents. The commission’s decision will determine whether the Electoral Commission adhered to its obligations under the Right to Access Information Act in granting access to the requested information or confirming/denying its possession.
This development highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in public institutions, as citizens and legal experts like Augustine S. Marrah Esq. actively exercise their rights to access information and hold authorities accountable for their actions.
See letter