APC Leader Calls on President Bio to Rethink Removal of Trial by Jury in Criminal Proceedings Act

  • By Owl
  • 10 July 2024
  • 0

Hon. Abdul Kargbo, the leader of the All People’s Congress (APC) in Parliament, has called on President Julius Maada Bio to reconsider the recent removal of trial by jury in the Criminal Proceedings Act.

In a passionate appeal, Hon. Kargbo expressed deep concern over the implications this legislative change could have on the justice system in Sierra Leone.

“We, the APC MPs, believe that the removal of trial by jury in the Criminal Proceedings Act is dangerous for our justice system,” Hon. Kargbo stated. Despite the APC’s unsuccessful effort to oppose the bill in Parliament, Kargbo is urging the President to return the bill for further deliberation

The removal of jury trials has sparked significant debate, with critics arguing that it could undermine the fairness and transparency of criminal proceedings.

Hon. Kargbo’s appeal underscores the importance of maintaining robust judicial safeguards to ensure justice for all Sierra Leoneans.

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