Ady Macauley Brands Bar Association AGM as Public Disgrace in Letter to Outgoing President

  • By Owl
  • 20 May 2024
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Prominent Lawyer Ady Macauley In a letter dated May 19, 2024, addressed Eddinia M. Swallow, the outgoing President of the Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA), regarding the ignominious events that unfolded during the SLBA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Kenema on May 17th and 18th, 2024.

In the letter, Macauley, a member of the SLBA since 2004, expressed his dismay at the conduct of the AGM, which he described as a “day of infamy.” Despite being absent at the AGM, Macauley closely followed the proceedings through social media updates and discussions with colleagues who attended the event.

Macauley highlighted several issues of concern, including the lack of compliance with legal proceedings instituted by candidates Augustine Sorie Sengbeh Marah Esq. and Ms. Wara Serry-Kamal. These legal actions sought a dignified, free, fair, and transparent election process for new directors of the SLBA. However, their requests, including a change of venue and the provision of a verified list of registered voters, were vehemently opposed by the SLBA executive.

The letter detailed the chaotic events that transpired during the AGM, including the early commencement of proceedings, the amendment of the agenda to expedite the election process, and the controversial involvement of Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission, in conducting the elections.

Macauley condemned the actions of those involved in orchestrating what he described as a “sham election,” which led to a melee in the hall, the discharge of pepper spray by police officers, and the announcement of election results amidst chaos.

In conclusion, Macauley called on the SLBA President to reflect on the events and take appropriate action to rectify the situation. He urged for the holding of a new AGM in Freetown, under the supervision of an electoral body appointed by members, to ensure a transparent election process. He also apologized to the public and the youth for the spectacle witnessed in Kenema, emphasizing the need for better conduct from members of the legal profession.

The letter serves as a damning indictment of the handling of the SLBA AGM and highlights the importance of upholding transparency, integrity, and democratic principles within professional organizations.

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