GIZ:Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) for Solar Powered E-Keke Motorcycles in Kono, Kenema and Bo towns for TEUSL-1 Project

GIZ:Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) for Solar Powered E-Keke Motorcycles in Kono, Kenema and Bo towns for TEUSL-1 Project

Energising Development Programme – Sierra Leone

Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) for Solar Powered E-Keke Motorcycles in Kono, Kenema and Bo towns for TEUSL-1 Project

PN: 14.2275.7-338.00


The Energising Development Programme, EnDev, is a multi-donor partnership initiative funded by the governments of the Netherlands, Germany, Norway and Switzerland through their respective Ministries or Development Agencies, namely, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. EnDev supports access to modern, lasting, and affordable energy services to households, social enterprises, and SMEs in more than 20 developing countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. EnDev Sierra Leone (SL) focuses on providing the following support services:

  • Energy for household applications: provision of modern energy for lighting and small electrical appliances (e.g., information and communication technologies).
  • Energy for cooking: provision of efficient and clean cooking, baking and space heating devices.
  • Energy for social infrastructure (schools, hospitals, and community center’s): provision of energy for the use of electricity as well as cooking and heating devices, and
  • Energy for small and medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives, and craftsmen: provision of modern energy services for productive use, for income generation.
  • Access to Knowledge Information Management (KIM) – Access to Knowledge Information Management (KIM) – Through the promotion of data and information sharing, EnDev creates replicable knowledge. EnDev looks at IT solutions (such as E-Learning, EnDev collect App, data research, and interpretation through Geo space and satellite images) to strengthen impact verification in sustainable development policies and activities. EnDev collaborates with other national and international projects and fosters synergies in the Renewables sector.

Objective of the solar E-Keke Expression of Interest (EOI)

As part of GIZ/Endev initiative in promoting productive use of energy in Sierra Leone, Endev is pleased to announce a call for proposals for the contribution of four solar-powered e-Keke motorcycles to bike transport youth groups or unions in the following districts. Kono, Kenema and Bo.

The main objective of this initiative is to empower the youths through job creation by providing them with sustainable and eco-friendly transportation solutions creating their own business to generate sustainable income through the operation of the solar powered e-Keke

GIZ/EnDev Sierra Leone is now seeking proposals from interested youth groups or riders’ union in Kono, Kenema and Bo cities for the pilot phase of this initiative. The selected groups or union will be responsible for operating and maintaining the solar e-Keke motorcycles within their respective community

One or two members of the Selected group or union will be trained in how to operate the solar e-Keke motorcycles.

. Proposal guidelines:

  • Full name of the organization or union group
  • A brief introduction of the organization or Union, not more than half page.
  • Description of how the solar e-Keke will be utilized to create employment opportunities for young people in the community, not more than two pages
  • Proposed business plan for operating the solar e-Keke motorcycles including    
    • target market
    • pricing strategy,
    • route planning and
    • maintenance plan, not more than two pages.
  • The proposal must indicate the anticipated daily routes within the city and the respective pricing strategy.
  • The whole proposal should not exceed ten pages inclusive of supporting documents.

Pilot Implementation time frame

From 2nd of December 2024 to 30th of June 2025

 Eligibility criteria and documents to be submitted by the enterprise

  • The applicant must be a registered transport organization or union in Kono, Kenema and Bo city councils 
  • Must have a registered certificate or any official documentation proving the union’s legal status
  • Must have a management structure with at least four executive’s members
  • Must have a bank where the union holds its active primary account.
  • Must have at least two members with a valid driver’s license.
  • Must have at least one female rider with a valid driver’s license as a member of the union.


Submission of Expressions of Interest

Motorcycles Union groups or organization should submit their “Expression of Interest” 

Via Email to with the subject “EoI Application for solar e-Keke motorcycles”

Not later than 31st October 2024 using font and font size of Arial and 11 respectively, at line spacing 1.15. For any questions, contact with the subject “EoI Application for solar e-Keke motorcycles.” not later than 29th October 2024

Only qualified interested unions will be contacted. 

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