CAF Zonal Unions and Member Associations Commend CAF President Dr Motsepe for Increased CAF Financial Support and Schools Football initiative

CAF Zonal Unions and Member Associations Commend CAF President Dr Motsepe for Increased CAF Financial Support and Schools Football initiative

The Zonal Unions and Member Association Presidents on Sunday 20th October 2024 in Addis Ababa-Ethiopia commended the work of CAF President Dr Motsepe and CAF Executive in particular the positive impact of the increased financial support for Zonal Unions and Member Associations. Annual subvention have increased from USD 450 000 to USD 750 00 – a 50% increase. CAF has also increased the subvention to Member Associations from USD 250 00 to USD 400 000. Consequently, most CAF Zonal Unions have increased their development activities and competitions by over 50% in the last two years.

The CAF President Dr Motsepe underscored the importance of Zonal Unions and Member Associations in driving growth and development of football in Africa while highlighting the need to continue engaging Governments and Private sector as partners.

WAFU B President Kurt Okraku: “We thank President Motsepe for the enormous work he has done since he took over as the President of CAF. We have seen the progress, the progress of his vision.  As an MA President, we understand the pain of finding even 1 USD. Funding under President Motsepe’s leadership has increased. If you go to our countries, football development activities are happening. And that is no co-incidence. We also thank President Motsepe for his visits to Heads of States in Africa – and engage them.”

UNIFFAC President Guy Blaise Mayolas said: “We thank you President for walking with us on this journey. Today, UNIFFAF has a home – this is the first time that UNIFFAC has a home. We thank CAF, we thank the President of CAF.”

Lamin Kaba Bajo – President of WAFU A said : “I would like to acknowledge the support Zonal Unions are receiving from CAF. The increased financial support from CAF has been invaluable for us at Zonal levels. We thank President Motsepe for his leadership and the tone he has set at CAF.”

CAF has focused on the following areas;

  • Partnerships between Member Associations, Governments and the Private sector
  • Better governance and accountability
  • Building sustainable structures
  • Introduction of the VAR Academy
  • Creating more capacity through education and learning. The CAF Executive Leadership Programme that was launched together with the University of Cape Town was the first step towards creating formal links with other Universities in Africa.
  • Investment in Schools Football (CAF African Schools Football Championship)
  • Increasing development financial support for development programmes 
  • Women coaches and leadership workshops

Credit: CAF | Communication Department

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