Ambassador Omrie Golley Commissions 5th Agricultural Training Centre

  • By Owl
  • 12 March 2024
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Abdul Malik Bangura

Ambassador Omrie Golley, Sierra Leones’s former Ambassador to the Republic of South Korea has on Wednesday 6th March 2024 launched his fifth (5th) Irrigation Agriculture Training centre, on this occasion, in Makeni, Northern Province of the republic of Sierra Leone.

The agric-education demonstration centre will be used to teach modern irrigation methods to local communities in Makeni City and its environs. This follows the establishment of other centres in Port Loko (Northwest Region); Bumbuna (Northern Region); Kenema (Eastern Region); and Bo (Southern Region).

Recalling that in March 2023, Ambassador Omrie Golley himself turned the sod for the construction of the centre in Makeni, in the midst a well attended and joyous reception, he promised the people of Sierra Leone that the centres will be up and running within the shortest possible time. That was achieved, and a total of over 200 local indigenes for the various centers were trained.

Experts from one of the world’s leading irrigation company NETAFIM, Israel, conducted various soil tests, to identify where their innovative agriculture dripping technology could be best utilised and the area around the Makeni Centre was chosen. This Centre is now fully operational.

During the launching of the centre at the Gbanti Court Barrie in Makeni City, Ambassador Omrie Golley spoke about his vision of using innovative techniques, that combine education and the use of specialized advanced and modern techniques in agriculture.

He said through this, Sierra Leone will start to properly address the issue of food insufficiency in the country.

Ambassador called on the local indigenes to embrace and own the project and the training, whilst further indicating that the training will be free.

Amongst the beat of traditional drums and music, Paramount Chief Massa Yeli N’Tham III, hailed the Golley Agriculture Development Project for carefully selecting his chiefdom to host the training centre in Makeni. He expressed his delight over the fulfilment of the company of the promise made to the community to establish a 5th demonstration centre, and this time in Gbanti Chiefdom.

The Paramount Chief called on the various section chiefs to work on selecting very capable persons who will be trained in advance agriculture initiatives. He expressed his appreciation to Ambassador Omrie Golley and his team, assuring them that the training facilities will be put into good use.

Meanwhile by promoting modern farming technologies, which offer a more sustainable method of farming, Ambassador Omrie Golley aims to increase food security in Sierra Leone and foster economic development through agricultural exports.

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