DETERIORATION FROM 13 TO 11… Sierra Leone Fails 9 Key MCC Indicators

  • By Owl
  • 4 November 2022
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DETERIORATION FROM 13 TO 11… Sierra Leone Fails 9 Key MCC Indicators

By Minkailu Kebbie  – Intern FBC

The US government backed Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has published its 2023 Scorecard which assesses the performance of countries that are receiving or expecting to receive financial support for national development. 

The recently published Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Scorecard for the 2023 financial year, has shed-light on the repeated financial failings of the government of Sierra Leone. 

These indicators are what the MCC looks at to give financial aids to different countries around the globe.These 9 out of the 20 indicators include Government Effectiveness, Fiscal Policy, Employment Opportunities, Access to Credits, Gender in the Economy, and Child Health for the second year from 17% to an abysmal 15 percent. MCC teams work in partnership with eligible countries to refine their compact proposals in order to ensure the programs’ focus on poverty reduction through sustainable economic growth.

Proposed compacts also describe how the country plans to manage and implement its MCA program, including how it will ensure financial accountability, transparency, and fair and open procurement, as well as how it will measure results.

However, Sierra Leon has woefully failed to be included among competitive countries that will be given financial help to improve their financial status and reduce their poverty rates. 

Last year, the country passed 13 key Indicators, as published by the MCC – but this year’s failure is a clear manifestation of retrogressive leadership by the government.

As the general election is just around the corner, such a failure can go a long way due to the fact that Sierra Leone is an underdeveloped country that has numerous challenges.

Credit. Owl Newspaper

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