IPAM Sets the Pace In Digital Migration

  • By Owl
  • 17 May 2022
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IPAM Sets the Pace In Digital Migration

By Director of Media, Alumni and International Relations, Dr. Tonya Musa

The Administration of the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), USL has introduced the Quick Response Coded systems for the verification of students’ identification cards and the PASS designed to permit those students  who had made partial payment of the tuition fee for 2021/22 academic year to take the First Semester Examination. This laudable initiative has solved fundamental challenges
of the University over the years including the payment of fees, timely registration of students, the use of the Learning Management System by both lecturers and students.

The Head of Academic Affairs says lecturers urge students to submit all assignments through the Portal. 

The College has started the First Semester Examination today on 16th May 2022. At the entrance to the Examination  centers, the digital verification team with the  QRC systems awaits every student to submit his or her ID card or PASS for scanning. When the ID card is scanned it provides the details of the bearer  on the computer screen which shows that the bearer is a bonafied and registered student of IPAM. This is the same process for those with PASS who are permitted to attempt the First Semester Examination of 2021/22 session. 

According to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, IPAM, Professor Edmond Nonie, this initiative is positively impacting on the collection of fees, and online registration process. The Deputy Registrar, IPAM, Mr. Brima Bah, also, says this initiative is promoting quality 

control systems especially preventing impersonation of people taking examination for their colleagues and the falsification of ID cards. He further stated that all of these measures are geared towards academic integrity. 

The Administration is encouraging all staff and students to use the LMS effectively since the Portal can ease education and administrative processes. The ICT office data shows that more than 6,500 students have registered on the Portal for the 2021/22 academic session. 

IPAM was the first constituent college of the University that introduced online voting for Students’ Union Elections. 

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