National Public Procurement Authority
Invitation for Bids
Procurement of (Office Stationery, Computers &Computer Accessories, Computer Consumables, Office Supplies (Toiletries and Provisions), Office Furniture and Office Equipment
Procurement Number: NPPA/ADMIN/NCB/2022/001
Date of First Issue: 6th October, 2021
The National Public Procurement Authority has allocated funds for the procurement of the following items and now invitessealed bids from eligible bidders for the below Lots:
No. | LOTS | Qty | Description of Items | Bid Security Le | Delivery Period |
1 | Lot A | Various | Office Stationery | 5,000,000 | Framework Contract |
2 | Lot B | Various | Computers & Computer Accessories | ||
3 | Lot C | Various | Computer Consumables | ||
4 | Lot D | Various | Office Supplies (Toiletries and Provision) | ||
5 | Lot E | Various | Office Furniture | ||
6 | Lot F | Various | Office Equipment |
Bidding is open to all Suppliers who can demonstrate professionalism in the supply of Lot A: Office Stationery, Lot B: Computers & Computer Accessories Lot C: Computer Consumables, Lot D: Office Supplies (Toiletries/Provision) Lot E Office Furniture and Lot F: Office Equipment,
- Interested bidders can bid for one or more Lots. Bidders can obtain the bid documents for a non-refundable fee of Le500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Leones). Payment should be made to the Consolidated General Revenue Account number 0111001499 held at the Bank of Sierra Leone.
- Alternatively, the potential bidders also have the option to pay for the bidding document in any of the Transit Accounts at the following Commercial Banks:
Bank Name: Union Trust Bank
ACCOUNT NAME: Revenue from sale of Bidding Sub Treasury
ACCOUNT NO. 210113253-01
BBAN NO: 00-4001113253120144
Bank Name: Sierra Leone Commercial Bank
ACCOUNT NAME: Revenue from sale of Bidding Sub Treasury
ACCOUNT NO. 003001081791112183
Bank Name: Rokel Commercial Bank
ACCOUNT NAME: Revenue from sale of Bidding Sub Treasury
ACCOUNT NO. 02-011012428
BBAN NO: 002001002101242863
Bids must be delivered to the:
National Public Procurement Authority;
Procurement Directorate,
Lotto Building,
OAU Drive,
Tower Hill, Freetown.
on or before 12:00noon, on 8th November, 2021 All bids must be accompanied by the
following documents:
- A valid Business registration certificate
- Bid Security of Le. 5,000,000 from a reputable Commercial Bank;
- A valid tax clearance certificate;
- A valid NASSIT clearance certificate;
- A signed Integrity Pact; [see attached]
- A valid Municipal Council Licence.
- Evidence of Similar contract performed
- One original copy and three photocopies.
Bids will be publicly opened on 8th November, 2021at12:00 noon, in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders.
National Public Procurement Authority;
OAU Drive, Tower Hill,
079-275027 / 088-555474