YACAN launches Global OSSI Report in Sierra Leone

  • By Owl
  • 14 October 2022
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YACAN launches Global OSSI Report in Sierra Leone

By Alimamy Conteh

The Youth And Child Advocacy Network (YACAN) in partnership with the Out of the Shadows index have launched the OSSI Global Report, on 13th October 2022 in Sierra Leone. The OSSI Report is a form of assessment that is conducted by the OSSI, to know how countries are addressing child sexual exploitation and abuse, in order to influence changes on their policy and action to address Child sexual exploitation and abuse in Sierra Leone.

According to the Senior Strategic Advisor at the OSSI, Madam Rute Caldeira there are key indicators which they consider in assessing the countries; one is prevention policies which involves the legislative implementation of policies and laws, to ensure such act doesn’t happen again. Another is the technicality and professionalism of people who are constant with these children.

Child sexual exploitation and abuse happens at alarming rates in the country, ranging from sexual penetration, Female genital mutilation to, early marriage. For far too long it has occurred in secrecy and has been associated with shame and tradition, allowing these acts to continue. “ Human Capital  development is key area and it anchors on the  protection of girls” Said Fabundeh Ansumana, Deputy Commissioner of National Commission for Children. He added that, Human Capital is connected to human security; that is the fear to expose these crimes by victims or relatives and how law enforcement officers respond to these cases.

In his statement to stakeholders, the Executive Director of YACAN, Mr Hassan Fuad Kanu said that Sierra is among the first 60 countries where this report has been launched. He added that, “this will showcase the need for the Government to expedite the process of reviewing the 2007 Child Right Act and consider recommendations from the 2014 National Child welfare Policy”.

 This report will serve as Government report card in ensuring their efforts to prevent and respond to child sexual exploitation and abuse, and also to create awareness among Government Stakeholders in Sierra Leone about the global. The Director of the Ministry of Gender and Children Affairs, Charles Vandi this is a way of validating what the government set to do and that the ministry condemns any form of sexual activity. And that most sexual activities involve minors and peer to peer sexual crime is becoming prevalent.

In launching the OSSI Global Report the Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Mr. Mohamed Haji-Kella commended the Youth And Child Advocacy Network and Out of the Shadows Index for the timeliness of the Report in Sierra Leone and sees it as a milestone in assessing the government and a powerful to advocates to demand more from the Government. He emphasized on implementations and amendments of policies that will respond, prevent and create awareness about Child sexual exploitation and abuse in Sierra Leone.

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