( Bo,Saturday, 22nd August 2020 ), Women Against Violence and Exploitation in Society (WAVES-SL) has concluded a three-day Strategic Review Meeting for staff, at Manjama Institute of Agriculture Hall,Shellmingo Bo City.
The meeting which was held from Thursday 20th to Saturday 22nd August 2020, geared towards reviewing WAVES-SL’s organizational development plan, system and to assess progress towards the strategic plans that will move the organization forward within five years.

According to Hannah Yambasu, Director of WAVES-SL, the meeting also sought to review and develop key organizational strategies and systems, to identify progress in relation to WAVES-SL Strategic Plan, develop an organizational capacity building and succession plan to build the capacity of staff to be able to effectively adhere to the policies and utilize the systems at the end.
” The meeting will support new strategic direction that will serve as a roadmap that will drive the organization forward ..” The Director said.
She said the exercise will therefore broaden and strengthen the existing three years Organizational Development Strategy which WAVES-SL has been using.

Program Manager of Rehabilitation And Development Agency Sierra Leone ( RADA-SL) and Lead Facilitator for the Strategic Planning meeting, Ann Sesay-Brima informed that the meeting helped WAVES-SL Management and Staff to ascertain how they would like to see the organization in five year time. She disclosed that the meeting was also used to examine the resources and internal capacity the organization has.
” I believe it was a moment of reflection, internally, to see how far WAVES-SL has come and how far it wants to go …” Madam Sesay-Brima said.
She acknowledged that the review process was highly participatory.
Mohamed Christian Ngaujah is the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of WAVES-SL and Coordinator of the meeting. He said the engagement also served as a means of gathering information, evidence of change, suggestions for improvement, training, review and development of organizational strategies and systems, exploring new opportunities and assessing risks/threats in the work place for their staff.
Dr. Augustine G.Robinson who was one of the consultants and facilitator of the meeting commended the staff for their participation throughout the session. ” I am impressed with the level of participation by the staff and their thoughtfulness in presenting the issues affecting the development of women and girls and what they have been doing to address those issues ..” Dr. Robinson said.

He also encouraged the staff to always “think outside the box” when initiating areas of intervention for their targeted groups or beneficiaries.
On her part, Laura Miatta Lahai, a Project Officer at WAVES-SL, on behalf of her colleague staff thanked the Management especially the Director for involving them to make inputs in the process of developing the strategic document of the organization.
” This meeting is an eye-opener and has broaden our horizons in thinking outside-the-box, going forward, in addressing the many issues affecting women and girls in our communities.. ” She disclosed.

She pledged, on behalf of her colleague staff, to work fully by the strategic document when it shall have been prepared and made available for use.
In his closing remarks, Mr. Momoh S.Lukullay, Programs Manager WAVES-SL, expressed profound thanks and appreciation to the Consultants and Facilitators for sparing their time and resources in three days to guide the strategic review process thus contributing to the development of the organization. He also applauded the Director for creating the space and opportunity for the the staff to own the process.
The Strategic Planning Review Meeting ended with an increased knowledge and clear understanding on WAVES History, Mission &Vision Statements, Thematic Areas and the Organization’s Stakeholder and SWOT Analyses among others.

For More Enquiries, Please Contact : Communications Officer, WAVES-SL, on 079-011-500 or Email: alusinerogers@gmail.com