Office Of H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma, Former President Of Sierra Leone
Press Release
US National Black Caucus Of State Legislators Honours Fmr President ERNEST BAI KOROMA
Makeni – Sierra Leone – 1st October 2020 – On Tuesday, 29th September, 2020, Sierra Leone’s most internationally respected statesman, former President Ernest Bai Koroma, delivered a much-anticipated keynote address to the virtual 5th US – Africa Investment Forum & Policy Dialogue on the theme: “US – Africa Relations: a necessary realignment”.
The former Sierra Leonean head of state made a powerful case about why such realignment in Africa – US relations was critical and how it should be done stating that: “A realignment of US/Africa relations must include meaningful engagement with African stakeholders, in ways that advance objectives for both Africa and the United States”.
Hosted by the African Leadership Magazine, the Forum drew participants from across Africa, the United States and Europe, with several distinguished speakers including H.E. Rt. Hon. Ambrose Dlamini, Prime Minister of Eswatini, Gen. William ‘Kip’ Ward, Fmr Commander, US Africa Military Command (AFRICOM) and Mr. Aaron Manalga, President of Global Political Solutions LLC.

Following his well-received keynote address, former President Ernest Bai Koroma was on 30th September, honoured by the United States (US) National Black Caucus of State Legislators, for his outstanding leadership while serving as president of the Republic of Sierra Leone.
The citation (by the US National Black Caucus of State Legislators) reads:
….For his outstanding leadership, for his efficient, dedicated and selfless public service to the Republic of Sierra Leone, the former president, His Excellency Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone, is hereby honoured by the United States National Black Caucus of State Legislators.
Responding to the award, Sierra Leone’s well – regarded statesman thanked the African Leadership Magazine which organised the virtual platform and extended his appreciation to the people of Sierra Leone for giving him the privilege to serve for two consecutive terms as president. He expressed further gratitude to Sierra Leoneans for their steadfastness and their support to his government, particularly in defeating the Ebola outbreak, as well as in dealing with the challenges associated with the mudslide and the economy.
“I am deeply gratified for such remarkable recognition and honour by no less an organisation than the prestigious US National Black Caucus of State Legislators, said former president Ernest Koroma.
The former present went on to state that: “It brings considerable satisfaction that even as far away as in the United States of America, those who truly understand the difference between public service leadership and today’s hostile politics, do acknowledge the great efforts my government put in, in not only building and consolidating peace and national cohesion but also, in deepening democracy, improving the economy and in rebuilding a broken infrastructure.”
According to Rep. Billy Mitchel, Member & National President, National Black Caucus Of State Legislators, President Koroma’s selfless, dedicated and efficient leadership of Sierra Leone will be recorded in the US History Books

The African Leadership Magazine, in celebrating its 2020 awardees on African leadership, also unveiled this year’s Special Edition with the Sierra Leonean statesman on its cover as a mark of honour to him.
The double – honoured former president, H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma dedicated the US National Black Caucus of State Legislators’ award to the people of Sierra Leone, members of his government and his family.
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##The End##