UBA Sierra Leone has been issued with an award of recognition by the University of Management and Technology (UNIMTECH) at the University’s main campus on the 15th April 2022.
According to the award’s citation, the bank is recognized in appreciation of its commitment and support towards developing the University of Management and Technology.
Acting as a guest speaker at the event, the Marketing and Corporate Communication Head, United Bank for Africa Sierra Leone: Sallieu Sesay hammered home the topic on “The Power of Academic Excellence”. Whilst addressing the hall-full of students, he emphasized that the nexus between Power and Academic Excellence is one’s ability to take control over knowledge and therefore, one must have command and confidence in his or her field of specialization.
UBA Sierra Leone continues to impact the Sierra Leonean environment by fulfilling its cooperate social responsible by providing sponsorship in the areas of environment, economic and educational projects such as to institutions like UNIMTECH.
Sallieu concluded his speech by appreciating the authorities of University of Management and Technology (UNIMTECH) for bringing quality tertiary education in the east end of Freetown after impacting the audience with 10 rewarding tips for academic success.