As today marks 30 years since the inception of the war it is time for us to pause reflect and think. In doing so perhaps there’s no better document to consider than the TRC report as it serves as the most authoritative authentic and impartial historical account of the conflict. It’s recommendations are designed to facilitate the building of a New Sierra Leone based on the values of human dignity, tolerance equality before the law accountability and equitable distribution of resources.
30 years after the war 23 years after the TRC report how close are we to the vision described above?
Have successive governments faithfully and timeously implemented the TRC recommendations as they are required to do under section 17 of the TRC Act 2000?

The follow up committee that should monitor closely and regularly the implementation of the recommendations as required by section 18 (1) of the Act does it exist? Is it functional?
Have past and present governments been providing quarterly reports to the follow up committee summarising the steps they have taken towards implementation of the recommendations as they are required to do under section 18 subsection 2 of the Act?
Has the follow up committee been publishing the reports of governments under subsection 2 and submit quarterly report to the Public evaluating the efforts of governments in implementing the recommendations as it is required to do under section 18 subsection 3?
Could we have averted the so many ills still plaguing our nation had we ensured the closest scrutiny of governments implementation of the TRC recommendations?
When last did we as a nation do a stock taking of how many of the TRC recommendations we have implemented?
If the recommendations are considered as the roadmap to a New Sierra Leone shouldn’t we be paying more attention to them?
Almost half a century and we are yet to fully implement the recommendations. Why such unreasonable delay? Is it because we have instead shifted our focus from implementing the TRC recommendations to meeting our SDG’s? If that is so have we betrayed our responsibilities as the Moral Guarantors of the TRC recommendations?
Can we ever change course again and come together to demand that our governments fully and faithfully implement the imperative TRC recommendations without further undue delay?
Source: Owl Press