In the hopes of pandemic recovery TRANSAIR has recommenced its operations at the Freetown international airport on Saturday 13th March ,2021
The goal is to serve its Dakar hub via Guinea Conakry to Freetown this time around enhancing a seamless Guinea Conakry options for passengers. During its maiden flight of 18th November 2019, Transair the first low cost airline company in West Africa commenced with a Dakar- Banjul – Freetown route.

Effective 13th March 2021, the airline will have three weekly flights on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays on the Dakar –Conakry –Freetown route bringing a total of eight scheduled commercial Airline operations at the Freetown International Airport.
Receiving the flight at the restart ceremony, the Honourable Minister of Transport and Aviation ,Honourable Kabineh Kallon welcomed the airline to Sierra Leone’s beautiful skies.
He opined that Sierra Leone alongside the global stage has not attained pre-Crisis levels in commercial air traffic . “The drop for us was even more pronounced when airlines like Transair were missing within the early resumption forecast.”

In line with the presidents Manifesto the Ministry of Transport and Aviation he continued, have been working assiduously to build the airline routes of the country’s only international Airport. With aviation market intelligence from his Ministry they help airlines consider Freetown as a prime destination when planning new routes. Following COVID 19 ,many engagements particularly in route planning programs was done alongside aviation response to the pandemic.
However the crisis brought in its wake changes in passenger behaviour, travel restrictions and the ensuing economic crisis that have resulted in a dramatic drop in demand for airline services. The government according to the Honourable Minister has considered several policy interventions to curtail the size of the shock to the industry.
“For Transair we clearly saw a demand forecasting within the Conakry Guinea options which can improve strong connections for both the business and leisure traveller ,more regional connectivity with Dakar hub thereby reducing the flying time for our passengers whilst enjoying comfort at Blaise Dagne Airport, the airline having a fleet of aircraft to support its operations and can further match the existing competition”
The Honourable Minister exchanged felicitations with his Senegalese Aviation counterparts and expressed his strong desire that with Transair operations as a low cost carrier of which low cost carriers being tipped for the swiftest recovery within the wider aviation segment after COVID, will maintain its enviable operational structure and finances to build market share.
Groupe TRANSAIR Regional Director Naby Sylla said they are extremely enthusiastic about what the Airline can bring to the Aviation market

“We are happy to commence operations and acknowledge the challenges faced with the COVID-19 outbreak. Our network needed to be restored so as to bring in more air services within our region whereby we can recover together. Our plans are huge but it’s one step at a time and having a firm footing “
Sierra Leone foreign Mission in Dakar followed the ambitious development plan of TransAir particularly relying on transit traffic. It advanced Sierra Leone to be part of the Airline destinations by engaging the many platforms and establishing support for the improvement of its load rates .
The Ambassador to the republic of Senegal, Ambassador Alhaji Brima Elvis Koroma arrived with the Senegalese delegation and was pleased with his accomplished mission of an air carrier from Senegal to Freetown . He reiterated that the Air carrier is a strategic instrument in building solid cooperation between Senegal and Sierra Leone.

“Every passenger an airline carries tells a much broader economic story; they will stay in hotels buy food from restaurants etc we are hopeful that as aviation facilitate tourism ,Transair can bring new levels and impact for both industries”
General Manager of the Sierra Leone Airports Authority Mr JDK Massaquoi assured TransAir delegation of operational safety particularly with public health standards in the new normal
“We are passionate about the safety and relationship with our airlines because our recovery is tied together. It is a great delight to have your wings at our Airport and we look forward to greater accomplishments.”
The Airport Authority presented gifts to the airline symbolising the Sierra Leonean hospitality and its best wishes for growth and expansion.
Among the delegation from Senegal were the Executive Director of groupe Transair,Mapenda Cisse ,financial director Andrew Diouf ,group representative from the republic of Guinea Samirachamei Shamel , and Mohamed Seck representing the Guinean tourism .They further met with the Sierra Leone Transair team.
Transair has in its fleet Embraer -EMB12O,ERJ145, Beechcraft 1900c on these routes, offering both Business and Economy class Seats. Flights can be booked at www.groupetransair.sn or passengers can visit nationwide travel agencies.