FNA 27/2/2021
The Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority is currently providing a five day Technical Assistance on Aviation Security and Facilitation to the Liberian Civil Aviation Authority and the Roberts International Airport (RIA). The Technical visit is part of their country’s preparedness levels for ICAO Security Audit programme (USAP) – Continuous Monitoring Approach slated for August 2021.
As part of the planned programs and activities for the Liberian team, the Sierra Leone Airports Authority has on May 27th 2021 hosted the delegation to a series of Airport operational compliance and implementing programs of Annex 17 and Annex 9 .

The Airport engagement was also specifically geared to tap from the gains and progress made in the implementation of Annex 17 and Annex 9 by the Freetown International Airport .
The Deputy General Manager of the Sierra Leone Airports Authority Mr Bobson Kargbo welcomed the delegation to the Freetown International Airport and conveyed his appreciation to the Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority.
The strength of our SLCAA is growing beyond our borders. As we continue to collaborate and safeguard Aviation, we are always committed to provide a learning environment and to further keep our active growth in line with ICAO SARPS as handed to us in the national documents of our CAA.

Mr Kargbo reiterated the Airport’s Leadership of Mr Jack Massaquoi as General Manager and it’s Board of Directors, displaying extra levels of supervision and concurrence to Security and Facilitation Programs.This he maintained has significantly secured the country’s enviable Audit Record .
Leading the presentations and engagement with the Liberian team at the Airport, Madam Mallay Betty Braima submitted the one Day Activity plan and further did a presentation on Annex 9 implementation. She underscored the need for immense collaboration between a National Facilitation Committee and the Airport Committee so as to leverage operational challenges into National success stories .
Mr Ibrahim Kamara presented on the Airport Security Program which included the compliance methodologies of the Airport security outfits . Head of the Airports Westminster Aviation Security Services Mr Neil presented WASS provision of Aviation security services and their roles during Sierra Leone’s Audit Period. The final presentation was from the Office of National security by Mrs Sia Alhassan Kabia on the role of the ONS in complementing security at the Airport and the country’s security Architecture .

Mr Nuah E Padmore, Head of the Liberian delegation thanked the Airports Management for assembling their professional staff who demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. He continued that they are grateful for the opportunities of witnessing first hand what can enhance their SecFal operational levels .

The Days’ events ended with the delegation taken on a conducted tour of the CCTV monitor room, Central Security Screening Area, Baggage Sorting Areas , Canine Screening , Airside Security, and finally observing border clearance formalities during Air France departure and Arrival.
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