Rokel Bank  MD to Engage IPAM Students Tomorrow

Rokel Bank  MD to Engage IPAM Students Tomorrow

Managing Director of Sierra Leone’s most forward-looking bank, Dr. Ekundayo Walton Gilpin who is notably one of the best when it comes to managing and directing a bank to move from grass to grace, will tomorrow Thursday 27th June, 2024 engage students of Banking and Finance at the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) on the topic: Customer Relationship Management in the Banking Sector.

The RCB MD who is expected to discuss ‘How Customers can Change a Bank’s Dynamics: A Case Study of RCBank’ will lecture on the specifics relating to customers, their relationship with the banks, how they can influence the dynamics of a bank and what can be learnt from such interactive sessions.

It could be recalled that the RCBank in recent years made much more profit in comparison with other banks and this is a major topic for healthy financial and banking debates among students in this faculty. In essence, students want to know from the RCBank MD how he managed to turn around a bank which had been written off and in the process of being sold off. But when he attained the helm of managing the affairs of the RCBank, the story changed altogether and the RCBank is today one of the most profitable commercial banks which is seen as a model for other banks to emulate.

The Class Rep for Morning Shift, appreciates the fact that the Course Lecturer was able to select one of the best Executive Bankers in the person of Dr. Walton Gilpin to interact with students in such a platform. Bringing the bank to the students is one of their most happy moments and they are excitedly looking forward to get the best from Dr. Gilpin.

Another student cannot help but wonder at the prospect of getting one of the best bank managers to deliver a lecture to them on Thursday which has been their best wish because they are sure to get first-hand information and knowledge from a man who has won numerous national and international awards for his wealth of knowledge in managing the banking sector which in the case of Sierra Leone has contributed significantly to the economic growth of the country.

Thursday 27th June, 2024 will indeed be the most unforgettable day for Finance and Banking students at IPAM as they are all excited and eagerly looking forward to seeing such a personality of no mean standing as Dr. Ekundayo Walton Gilpin.  

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