Veteran Educationist and Physicist, Professor Andrew Baimba has on the 1st July 2021 taken over Njala University as the new Acting Vice-Chancellor and Principal replacing Mallam O. who had served the institution for the past fourteen months.
The new Acting Vice-Chancellor and Principal admonished staff of the University to maintain peace, unity, and collaboration for the betterment of the institution.
Professor Baimba clearly indicated that he was at Njala to superintend over an interim administration and hence he needs the support of all and sundry.
He disclosed that he would adopt a participatory-based leadership approach in which wide consultations will be made to reach critical decisions and encouraged dissenting groups to approach and dialogue with his administration.
The veteran Professor recounted that as an interim head whatever vision he would have to develop during his short reign would have to be rollout by the substantive Vice-Chancellor and Principal.
The new man at the helm further disclosed that he knows the challenges of Njala University as well the traditions and cultures of the surrounding communities and that it was a blessing that Government has asked him to return home to serve an institution that he has always devoted himself to throughout his career.
He concluded by praising Mallam O. for holding the fourth and expressed his satisfaction that for the first time an alumnus is making way for another alumnus at Njala University.
Mr. David Carew, Pro-Chancellor Njala University thanked Mallam O. for his fourteen (14) months stewardship at Njala and hinted that the outgoing had visible trademark stamped achievements that are very glaring for all to see during his short stay at the university and this includes his Bongology mantra dictated by the FIAT principal.
The Pro-Chancellor encouraged all and sundry to imbibe on the students these responsible attributes as they strive to become responsible citizens of the country.
Mr.Carew wished the outgoing well as he set himself to take on a national assignment with Government and that such a role was possible due to the trust and confidence the Government of Sierra Leone has for him.
He also used the occasion to welcome Professor Baimba, the incoming Vice-Chancellor, and Principal and hinted that his quick interaction with Professor Baimba had shown him that he has the vision to lead Njala University’s transformation drive.
He called on him to resonate well with the vision and mission of Njala University and pinpointed that the Government and the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education are keen to see an overall restructuring and consolidation of all academic programs backed up by staff strengthening.

I am confident that you are up to the task and the several commendations I have received about your personality has left me with no doubt that you have the wherewithal to deliver on this.
The climax of the ceremony was the official handing over of notes by Mallam.O.to his predecessor.
Deputy Vice-Chancellors of Bo and Njala Campuses, representatives of the Deans of schools, and other members of staff all made statements at the meeting.
The two men had been working together in the last one month putting together strategies for a peaceful handing over. The short but brief ceremony has been described by many as the most organized handing over in the last ten years
Professor Baimba is a retired Physics Lecturer who had served Njala University for over two decades and served as Deputy Vice-Chancellors of Bo and Njala. He has participated extensively in the University’s internal scoring systems for the promotion of academic staff and also contributed to the curriculum and policy review processes of the University.
He has vowed to fully support all the accountability and transparency measures adopted by his predecessor.