Over Refusal to Publish Voter Register… APC Lawyers Give ECSL 48 hours

  • By Owl
  • 25 May 2023
  • 0
Over Refusal to Publish Voter Register… APC Lawyers Give ECSL 48 hours

Lawyers of the main opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) in Sierra Leone have in a letter dated 24 May, 2023, urged the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) to publish the voter register within 48 hours or face legal action.

The APC has in several recent press releases and press conferences called on the ECSL to publish the voters register as elections are less than a month away. The APC has also called on the attention of the International Community to urge the ECSL to publish the voters list. Despite these calls by APC, the ECSL has yet to publish the voter register which is critical for free, transparent and fair elections. See potion of the letter  

In view of the forgoing and having regard to the strong desire of our client to have credible, acceptable and peaceful elections on the 24th June 2023, we are instructed to DEMAND the following”

i. That the ECSL provides our client with electronic copy of the final disaggregated Voter

Register for the 24t June 2023 elections:

ii. That the ECSL provides specific information in writing regarding the number of voter’s identification cards collected; those that remain in its custody, how and where they will be kept;

iii. That the ECSL instructs its officials in writing to issue voter’s identification cards at its

district offices, and the said instructions be made public:

iv. That the ECSL confirms in writing that compilation, certification, and supply of statements of results will be done by District Returning Officers at their district offices in compliance with section 92(1) and (2) of the PEA 2022;

v. That the ECSL provides credible information regarding the production, storage and distribution of ballot papers and the development of the tallying software; and

vi. That the ECSL indicates in writing the time and venue for the auditing and pilot-testing

of its tallying software in the presence of all election stakeholders.

Kindly be notified that our client requests that these demands be addressed within 48 hours of your receipt of this letter. Should the ECSL fail to comply as demanded, we are instructed to institute legal proceedings against the ECSL. and your good self for orders of mandamus, certionari, and other consequential others and costs (including Solicitors’ fees) shall be borne by the ECSL.

We trust that the ESCL will acquit itself as an independent and credible institution and absolve itself of the unbearable burden of litigation by complying with our client’s demands.

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