By John Sheka Tarawalie
In complementing the government’s effort in the fight against corruption and raising awareness on Ethics and Compliance in the private sector, Orange-SL, the leading telecommunications operator in Sierra Leone on Tuesday 30th November 2021 joined 29 other affiliated countries in observing the 9th Ethics and Compliance Day.
The theme for this year is: “Stick on the Basics-Integrity, Responsibility and Compliance- NACS strategy for the Public Sector”. The event was held at the Orange Sierra Leone Headquarters, Hill Station, Freetown.

Giving her ‘Tone at the Top’ message, the CEO of Orange Sierra Leone, Aminata Kane said that Ethics and Compliance Day is set aside for the purpose of raising awareness amongst all employees about Ethics and Compliance challenges and rights and to strengthen the Company’s approach to ethics and compliance within all Orange operations which will strengthen the momentum of Orange’ action plans, mitigate the associated risks, build a consistent and structured communication on Ethics and Compliance within the company and its affiliated bodies.

She noted that in 2018 they were at Level 1, and now they have rose to Level 4, noting that they should know how they are doing their businesses because one day the French Anti-Corruption department might come to Sierra Leone and do investigations. The “Tone at The Top” message of the CEO is taking the lead in the fight against corruption at Orange Sierra Leone. “See something, say something “.

The General Secretary, Director for Orange Sierra Leone, Haffie Haffner said the Ethics and Compliance Day is a key event for Orange Sierra Leone in its work as a responsible operator, noting that they held the event because the business environment is becoming tougher (stricter laws, higher standards and greater security by stakeholders, including customers, more inspections and investigations, harsher penalties), adding that, Orange is underlining its commitment to creating the digital world of the future by building trust for and with its stakeholders.

She noted that their objectives are to raise awareness of all Orange employees regarding Ethics and Compliance challenges; to highlight the associated risks and control mechanisms implemented by the Ethics and Compliance networks, to consolidate and standardize their Ethics and Compliance approach in all locations and to make each employees are accountable regarding the Ethics and Compliance programs and corruption prevention.
She added that the roles in ethics and compliance are, firstly, setting a positive example to your team, partners, suppliers, clients, service providers, subcontractors. Secondly, Commitment by learning, training and ensuring that your teams are aware of ethics and compliance topics, that they understand Orange’s major ethics and compliance guidelines, specifically relating to conflicts of interest, whistleblowing, gift and entertainment and corruption prevention, thirdly, Compliance with internal rules and procedures, notably: declaring gifts and invites, declaring conflicts of interest and prior evaluation of suppliers and intermediaries. She ended by giving points to remember to remain vigilant: the pointers are, when validating a gift, check value, context and 3rd party, when conflicted, declare a conflict of interest, when purchasing PO is required, Before signing a contract with a 3rd party, ensure DD, declare every gift received no matter the value, do not request or accept kickbacks for work done/to be done, respect the code of conduct and report corruption to any of the WB mechanisms.

The Anti-Corruption Strategic Secretariat’s ACC Deputy Director Edita Fofanah in her presentation commended Orange SL for undertaking such a venture in holding the ethic and Compliance day which she describes as very pivotal towards the fight against corruption in the country, adding that their strategy is based in the laws of the ACC act itself as amended. She further maintained that Orange SL relationship with the ACC is has been very cordial, of which she added that the CEO of Orange SL is a member of the ACC steering committee. She said the NAS, which seeks to establish a high set of public standards and sets in motion systemic improvement to strengthen the national integrity system and to maintain a high standard of integrity, discipline and ethics in the private sector.

In conclusion, encourage the company and staff to maintain high ethics and Compliance in their daily work.
The Head of Conduct Financial Crime and Compliance at Standard Chartered Bank, Victor A. Kargbo in his presentation said the Ministry of Information designs the framework for telecommunications services through the Telecoms Act which established NATCOM whilst the Ministry of Finance designs the framework for financial services through the banking act that established Bank of Sierra Leone. He added that NATCOM and BSL are the two authorities empowered to license companies to conduct telecommunications financial services in the country. “I am proud to say that Orange SL has acquired both licenses accordingly”, he said. In addition, it said in order for Orange SL to ensure adherence to the laws, standards, regulations, rules and policies, they should develop an enterprise risk management framework to demonstrate to the regulators that their company is committed to Compliance.