Office of HE Ernest Bai Koroma, Former President of Sierra Leone 2007-2018
Statement By:
H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma, Former President of Sierra Leone, on the International Peace Day
September 21, 2020
Today, across our world, we celebrate International Peace Day, a day set aside by the United Nations to strengthen the ideals of peace by observing 24hrs of non- violence and cease – fire. While we symbolically observe these 24hrs, we should do so with the determination to make peace more permanent throughout our beloved Sierra Leone, in our region and indeed our world. We should be united in our collective fight for our common aspirations.

If we had any doubts, COVID-19 and the threats of climate change have made it clear to us all that we have more formidable enemies than the disagreements we have with, and misconceptions and suspicions we often entertain about each other. We must therefore do everything to resolve our differences be they political disagreements, national insurrections, border disputes, ideological or trade. Sierra Leone, Africa and the world needs to come together now as one united family to confront and defeat the many challenges that threaten our shared destiny.

Good to get this great words from good leaders of our nation Sierra Leone
It is great that we are talking about peace in the country and peace massage to all A p c supporters