On Friday 4th August 2023, the Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority (NRA), Chief Ibrahim Brima Swarray conducted spot visitations to NRA outstations in Gbalamula and PortLoko Checkpoints.
His Visits targeted the Gbalamuya Customs Post in Kambia and Port Loko Checkpoint. He was received by the NRA branch manager, Joseph Rogers ESQ together with other management staff.
The tour was a familiarization move and to primarily ensure professional service delivery and to further ascertain the efficacy of operations in those areas. The no-armed Commissioner General focuses on improving the corporate environment for staff to execute their duties more effectively and professionally.
The Commissioner General was over the moon in a meeting with the Customs management at Gbalamuya customs post, stating that the said check point is one of the largest revenue generation points within the Customs Service Departments.
The branch manager, Mr Joseph Rogers outlined the highs and lows of Gbalamuya and its environs. The Commissioner General assured them of his passionate support, and promised to resolved crucial issues raised by the staff and those he discovered on his visitation. He also noted that, eventhough the challenges affect the-day-to-day running of their work but stated that those challenges should not stop them from meeting their target, and promised to address them as soon as possible.
The delegation also extended their spot checks to the baggage park, the cargo inspection facility, the staff quarter, and other Offices occupied by NRA staff at the Gbalamuya customs point and further inspected other properties belonging to the Authority that needed urgent rehabilitation. Among the challenges outlined were the lack of electronic scanners, poor infrastructural facilities, abysmal internet connectivity among others. The Commissioner General stated that notwithstanding the inevitable challenges outlined, he assured them of his endless support and encourage them to always prioritize the work of the authority. He concluded by restoring hopes and confidence in them for a better NRA.
The Commissioner General is expected to take a major role to improve the working environment and work management to upgrade Customer service and other operational mandates.
The delegation pays a courtesy call to the Customs Authorities from neighboring Guinea. Col.Niankoye Gbilemou welcomed the NRA Commissioner General and congratulated him on his appointment and assured him of their usual collaboration.
The team is expected to visit other revenue collection points across the country.