NCRA Boss Harasses Staff Over End of Year Party

  • By Owl
  • 22 December 2021
  • 0
NCRA Boss Harasses Staff Over End of Year Party

Following recent reports bordering on the fact that the Director General, Mohamed Massaqoui of National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) is insistently harassing NCRA staff and at the same time giving a bad name to HE President Julius Maada Bio that appointed him to that position, the Open Space Newspaper can authoritatively state that, the DG of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) is compelling his staff to contribute for the end-of-year- party which was supposed to be held in Freetown on Friday 17th December, 2021.

This directive came from the Director General of NCRA, Mohamed Masaqoui.

Because of this, staff at NCRA that spoke to Open Space described the NRCA DG as a devil guilty of sin.

According to Open Space, the Management, all staff members at managerial level should contribute Le500, 000.00 (Five hundred thousand Leones) each, while those below managerial level are taxed Le150, 000.00 each and contributions from all the sixteen districts where supposed to have been presented to Management latest Wednesday 15th December, 2021.

Staff members in the district offices who have been contributing to welfare funds since the beginning of this year have been ordered by their District Registration Officers (DROs) to sacrifice the funds as part of their contributions to the end-of-year party in Freetown which all NCRA staff members across the country are supposed to attend instead of organizing their own end-of-year party in their various district offices.

A memo which the NCRA Director-General, Mohamed B. Massaquoi circulated to all DROs stated thus: “This serves to inform all DROs that Management convened this morning and the issue of contribution for the upcoming end of year staff party was discussed and after checking with the committee I realized that most DROs and their staff have still not complied with the exception of Falaba and Koinadugu Districts. Management still look forward to receiving from your Districts payments from staff accompanied with choice of drinks for each staff. DROs must channel these arrangements through their respective RROs (Regional Registration Officers) latest Wednesday. Thanks.”

Meanwhile, most aggrieved workers have questioned the extortionate behavior of the NRCA Management that is supposed to entertain its entire staff at the end of the year instead of arm-twisting them to deduct money from their paltry salaries as contributions for end-of-year party.

“How could it be possible for the entire staff nationwide to travel down to Freetown to attend an end-of-year party, especially those who have to travel over 300 miles to come to the capital?” one of the aggrieved workers queried.

Another worker charged: “If Government is allocating budget to NCRA and donor partners are also supporting the Authority financially and technically, why should the Management force staff members to contribute to an end-of-year party?”

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