This was how fans of Bo Rangers described the defeat of E.E Lions ‘The Killers’ by Bo Rangers. Bo Rangers thrashed East End Lions ‘The Killers’ 2-1.
The match which took place at the Bo City Stadium on Saturday 24th April, 2021 attracted thousands of fans of both football clubs. The match was full of thrills, amazing passes, crucial misses and wonderful dribbles and passes.

It is ironical that Musa Tombo who once played for E.E Lions ‘The Killers’ scored the first goal against his former team; something which fans say will never be forgotten because it is akin to an assassin assassinating another assassin! And again, it had to be Musa Tombo who crossed the ball to Kabbah Tucker who then walloped the second goal into the ‘Lion’s den.’

On the part of ‘The Killers’ fans, and the E.E Lions managers, it is not losing the match to Bo Rangers that makes them bitter and despondent at the same time. It is the fact that it had to be Musa Tombo that opened the score-line and even went further to assist Kabbah Tucker to hammer home the final nail on the coffin of ‘The Killers’, bringing victory for Bo Rangers!

More painful for The Killers was the fact that Musa Tombo previously played for ‘The Killers’ but was sold to Bo Rangers for reasons not unconnected to making profit on his head. However, several sports analysts and football commentators remarked that the E.E Lions ‘The Killers’ managers are loathe or afraid to divulge the real reason which according to these analysts could be nothing short of loss of confidence on Musa Tombo.

However, Musa Tombo in the Bo Rangers – E.E Lions’ clash, demonstrated clearly that he is made of sterner stuff and still has a lot of goal-scoring potential. He is definitely not a player to be overlooked or played with. This lesson has been bitterly learnt by none other than ‘The Killers.’

It is understood that the E.E Lions fans have already started complaining that had the managers of the team known, they should never have parted company with Musa Tombo. “Look at the way he is humiliating us. He understands the way our boys play and he can easily outsmart them. Why on earth did they have to sell him,” complained Sammy Bangs a diehard E.E Lions fan.