Cutting the Judges Some Slack: Lawyer Basita Michael Advocates for Judicial Understanding in Light of Recent Celebrations

  • By Owl
  • 18 October 2024
  • 0

In a recent write-up, prominent lawyer Basita Michael addressed the significance of a joyful gathering among judicial officers following the annual assize service held on September 29.

This year’s event marked a return to the tradition of inviting the spouses and family members of judges, resulting in the largest turnout seen in years at the reception hosted within the law court building.

Michael highlighted how such events provide a refreshing break from the rigorous and often austere nature of the legal profession, offering judges, lawyers, and judicial staff a much-needed opportunity to connect in a more relaxed setting.

After the service, the judges were welcomed to the Chief Justice’s conference room for drinks, a customary practice that fosters camaraderie within the judiciary.

A video capturing these moments of joy and laughter circulated on social media, depicting judges enjoying their time together and raising a toast to Justice Browne Marke for his contributions to creating a cooperative work environment.

However, the subsequent leak of this video from a private WhatsApp group sparked concerns regarding privacy and the need for a judiciary-specific social media code, which could help judicial officers maintain appropriate boundaries in the digital landscape.

While the Civil Service Code prohibits behaviors that may tarnish the reputation of the service, Michael emphasized that the celebration did not violate any such regulations.

The event took place outside of active judicial hours, and judges were not performing official duties during the reception. Consequently, any critique of the judiciary based on this gathering misinterprets both the nature of the event and the legal frameworks governing judicial conduct.

Michael argued that judges, like any professionals, should be entitled to partake in social activities and enjoy moments of relaxation without fear of condemnation. Such events highlight their humanity, a crucial aspect that should not be overlooked in the pursuit of maintaining high standards.

She shared insights from a senior colleague, who reminisced about similar gatherings during the tenure of former Chief Justice Desmond Edgar Fashole-Luke, demonstrating that celebrations within the judiciary are not a new occurrence.

The remarks of the senior colleague resonated with the essence of the gathering: “For the wonderful time the judges are having, and for the cooperative, fair, efficient, and non-toxic working environment they are now enjoying, they owe it all to Justice Browne Marke’s style of administration. Who wouldn’t drink to that?

Michael concluded by urging a focus on substantive issues within the judiciary rather than sensationalizing benign gatherings that promote unity and mutual respect among legal professionals. Emphasizing the importance of fostering a positive workplace culture, she advocates for a more nuanced understanding of the judiciary’s social dynamics, encouraging all stakeholders to celebrate these moments of togetherness rather than criticize them.

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