By Alice K. Sandy Esq. Media Team
A young learned Solicitor, philanthropist and politician, Alice K. Sandy Esq in her capacity has on Monday 6 June 2022, provided 30 bags of cement, five shovels and two wheelbarrows to three villages in Constituency 016 in Nongowa Chiefdom, Kenema District.
It could be recalled that on 23 May 2022, those communities requested the brightest female in-Law and politician to assist them with the said items. She carefully took note of the request and responded positively in a very short time of the call.
Madam Sandy Esq donated fifteen bags of Cement to the women of Koi Village for the renovation of the Bondo society house, fifteen bags of cement to the Bomboma village for the renovation of its community school and five shovels, five pick axes and two wheelbarrows to Sami Foluma for the maintenance of the road linking Hangha.
The community celebrated Madam Alice K. Sandy Esq in appreciation and promised to stand with her in rain and sun.
Delivering the items, madam Sandy Esq said she believes in doing small things with great love and that these people need people like her to be there for them. She whispered that sustainable development is achieved by a community-felt needs approach, adding that when the actual political windows are open she will centre her development strides on constituency- felt needs. “As a politician, I don’t promise people but I carefully select and address issues using the community -felt needs approach. Let us equally focus on issues driven by politics and denounce violence at all levels”, she reaffirmed.
The women’s leader of Koi village, Madam Hawa Lahai appreciated Madam Sandy Esq’s effort and thanked her for the donation, saying it was timely and used the opportunity to call on other individuals to emulate her example.