Is Buffy Bailor, a conspirator to Mr. Walton Ekundayo Gilpin’s mission in dragging RCBank to the mud?

  • By Owl
  • 25 September 2022
  • 0

Rokel Commercial Bank, formerly Barclays Bank was among the best and biggest banks in Sierra Leone in terms of operations and corporate governance. But in 2017 a deceitful element with so many skeletons in the cupboard (a Mr Gilpin who impersonated and referred to himself Dr. Gilpin) joined the bank. Lo and behold his real mission was to have concubines in every Branch, Department and Unit of the Bank and wherever met with refusal, would resort to victimization and intimidation (Many female staff can attest to this but are remaining silent just to prevent themselves from being further victimised, intimidated and sacked like Mrs. Davies). This mission Gilpin started by harassing female staff (‘speclessly’ as a prey) young or old, fat or slim, dark or fair, junior or senior or married or single. Since he is aware of his stinky image, he adopted an approach to waste depositors and shareholders’ funds by compromising high placed individuals and politicians to maintain or consolidate his position as Managing Director.

Buffy Bailor, a so called Chartered accountant has become Gilpin’s accomplice supporting him in all his unholy actions in the governance of the Bank. According to inside sources, Buffy Bailor has so much enjoyed his compromised Chairmanship that he now dictates who attends Board meetings or not, thereby violating laws and regulations. All decisions taken have been taken without the full Board as Buffy ONLY chooses Board members that support his and the Managing Director’s agenda. He vowed that he will personally make sure the sexual harassment victim is sacked for speaking out and this he has executed. The general public is keenly following and waiting to see if Buffy is the blue-eyed boy of the powers-that-be to misgovern the Bank and put the bank into litigation and claims of billions of Leone as they unlawfully sack three (3) lawyers for NO REASON. What is even sickening is that it now appears as if Gilpin’s selected-compromised Board members do not even understand sexual harassment and the gravity it carries in modern law. Just so to remind them; this particular issue has gained both local and international attention and we hope the victim will press charges against Gilpin. There has to be a clear and amplified NO TO SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN OUR SOCIETY AND WORKPLACE. It can only be prudent if the entire Board is dissolved since majority of them are aiding and abetting Gilpin’s sexual harassment.

Unfortunately, three of the special investigative committee members, (including a lawyer) did not look at the law but rather investigated with malice by supporting Gilpin’s lies. This press is however aware of the liberalism, objectivity, just and uprightness of the Chairperson of the Committee who is priceless for Mr. Fake PhD/Gilpin to bribe. She stayed true to her conscience and refused to be twisted by Buffy Bailor and Gilpin.

Few details about Buffy Bailor. The Non-Executive Board Chairman, Mr. Bailor, has been using the Bank’s vehicle with an official driver and has stated in some quarters that he is now living/enjoying his “dream life” since as RCBank chairman. In fact, Buffy has now appointed his own Board members within the Board of the Bank and has clandestinely excluded some members from all Board to avoid Members who are not supporting Gilpin’s negative acts from having any dissenting views. Buffy Bailor in his unending support and allegiance to Gilpin conspired with Gilpin to unlawfully terminate three lawyers for NO REASON as stated in their letters of appointment. The two of the lawyers refused to trade their integrities even when they were summoned and intimidated by Gilpin. All this media sees from that ill-advised action by Gilpin and Buffy is an imminent industrial action for UNLAWFUL TERMINATION which may incur liability on the Bank to the total tune of over LE100 BILLION (OLD LEONES), damages payable to all three lawyers on the determination of their claims as calculated. Since Buffy Bailor has come out as a clear Conspirator, He should be singled out among the other board members and be brought to book for not only abuse of office and wrongful termination but also for aiding and abetting workplace harassment.

Buffy Bailor has further caused so much harm and tension between Rokel Bank and the Bank of Sierra Leone as he is sitting down and watch Gilpin insult and place the highly respected Governor on the spotlight with all sort of negative publications against his person and high office. It now appears as if Buffy Bailor is the Managing Director and Gilpin is the Chairman because he has executed all of Gilpin’s actions/plans. After the in-depth and thorough investigation conducted by the Bank of Sierra Leone’s internal legal experts, it is crystal clear that there are evidence of sexual harassment, intimidation, bullying and victimization. The Bank of Sierra Leone’s legal experts have recommended that the Fitness and propriety of Mr. Fake PhD Gilpin be reassessed. Mr. Bailor, amidst the growing concern to investigate the fake credentials of Gilpin refused to do so. Gilpin is deceitful and dishonest and used his fake PhD to gain undue advantage for the position he is occupying. By all indications, Mr. Gilpin is not and was not even fit and proper for the position he occupies. We understand that he got that job/position because he is APC and as a result of his younger brother’s (Brian Gilpin) connection with the previous government, as his younger brother was the Personal Assistant to the former President – Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma. As a result of that, NO FIT AND PROPER was conducted for Gilpin. This is a test case for the Bank of Sierra Leone and the Government of Sierra Leone for the public to know whether they are true to their promotion of good corporate governance and protection of women’s rights. It must be noted that this matter has come before the British High Commissioner, UNDP, IMF, World Bank, the European Union and UN Women and they are remotely following this case with keen interest. We will make sure the Association of Chartered Accountants and other organizations are formerly informed. Sweeping this issue under the carpet will lead to distrust and lack of confidence on the part of investors and international donors. In fact, it is believed that in some other countries, the harasser (Mr. Gilpin) would have been long suspended immediately the victim complained about sexual harassment. But some of our leaders (at party level and state house) are rather misinforming and misleading the No nonsense President Dr. Julius Maada Bio.

It is clear that the Board has failed in dispensing its duties as a responsible Board. This particular Board is been surveillanced and we know exactly the Board members who are neutral and have integrity and when the time comes, they will be singled out. We were informed that there is an unholy alliance between the Chairman and the beleaguered Gilpin who is now running helter skelter greasing palms of highly placed government officials for the matter to be swept under the carpet. Both BUFFY BAILOR and GILPIN are before the High Court for Contempt.

This media CANNOT be bought and we will be contacting all three (3) lawyers for a comprehensive interview on this matter. MORE TO FOLLOW IN OUR NEXT EDITION AS THIS MEDIA IS KEENLY WATCHING AND WAITING.

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