IPAM Riot. My Independent Position

  • By Owl
  • 13 April 2021
  • 0

I read an article written by The Voice of The Disadvantage, blaming Lecturers and the Dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences at IPAM Dr. Ezekiel Duramany-Lakkoh for failing to publish the results of Final Year Students at IPAM.  The article also blamed Lecturers for recklessness in handling administrative issues of the University.  These claims show that the writer has very little knowledge of the activities of the college and how the University conducts its activities. 

As a Senior Student myself, I have taken my time to discuss with Lecturers, Students and Administrative Staff.  Dr. Ezekiel Duramany-Lakkoh has been in IPAM since he was a student and has demonstrated competence, integrity and honesty in all his academic and professional routine.  One thing I will not deny for him is that he is disciplined hard with the truth and an extremely hardworking young gentleman who always want to see things done correctly.  

On the publication of results for final year students, the general public should be aware that the Faculty does not publish results of final year students.  Results are sent by the Heads of Departments to the Examinations Units after a Faculty Board Meeting.  The only responsibility of the Dean in the publication of final year results is to chair the Faculty Board Meetings. 

The publisher of a malicious article by the author of The Voice of The Disadvantage should note that the Individual Grades of All Final Year Students have been released more than three months ago, other than outstanding Dissertation Grades. These grades were released against the regulation that grades are only to be released to students who have met their financial obligations and register for the academic year. Students in all Departments in the Faculty are aware of their references and know that their results will not be published with references.  This law is not made or implemented by  Duramany-Lakkoh or any Lecturer at IPAM, rather it is a law of the University of Sierra Leone.  Don’t judge Lakkoh because  he is self-discipline, ready, willing and available to push everything good about the IPAM’s agenda.  Lakkoh is just one person that cannot be corrupted and his dedication to IPAM is admirable.  I and many other students will forever admire this guy.

According to an inside source, this was exactly what happened at IPAM.

The individual grades of all subjects, with the exception of DISSERTATIONS of all FINAL YEAR STUDENTS, were released to students by the Departments for more than THREE MONTHS AGO.

Every final year student has known his or her academic status more than THREE MONTHS AGO.

Final Year Students of IPAM have verified their academic status with their respective departments more than THREE MONTHS AGO.

The writer of The Voice of The Disadvantage should also note that the computer system used by the Examinations Units of IPAM cannot publish results of a student with Reference Grades, except students in the Honours Class.  The Dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences and Heads of Departments have nothing to do with this process, and cannot change the grades of students.

When results are sent to the examinations unit by Heads of Departments, they can be withheld for three importan  reasons that the Faculty has nothing to do with.

Students who are not fully paid and registered for at least two weeks to the publication of results cannot see their names for graduation.

Students with outstanding Dissertation Grades will have their results withheld

The results of Students who have result verification issues were withheld from publication by the Registry and not the Faculty.

I can still remember Lakkoh saying this same issues on Radio last year and even went to our Masters class to sensitize us and ask that we take our reference grades serious.

The piece was done because people are always looking for opportunities to blackmail others and I cannot stand by to see that happen.  

The confusion today at IPAM and FBC was about acquiring graduation Gowns and not more about publications of results, as most students were already aware of their status, except for a few.  

Students should learn to read notices and follow instructions and stop blaming Lectures for their problems.  

#Just Stop the Blackmail

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