What most people had thought was a fault or responsibility of the Institute of Management and Public Administration (IPAM) has now been clearly explained at a press conference convened by the college administration.

Representing IPAM on Thursday 22nd April, 2021 at the college’s conference hall, to explain and clarify IPAM’s role in the unfortunate incident of Tuesday 13th April, 2021 that resulted in students embarking on riotous conduct, were the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Head of IPAM, Professor Edmond Nonie, Dr. Ezekiel Duramany Lakkoh, Dean of Management Sciences, the Deputy Registrar Brima Bah and heads of departments.

Explaining to journalists, Dr. Lakkoh maintained that he is not responsible for writing grades or issuing results of students. He said he presides over faculty meetings and oversees other aspects of the college administration, adding that what transpired that fateful day was riotous behaviour put up by students who had issues with their academic and/or administrative college administration.

See Press Release
Institute of Public Administration and Management
University of Sierra Leone
22nd April, 2021
The Management of the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) wishes to inform its students, the press and general public that it strongly condemns the riotous conduct of some students on campus which happened on Monday 12th April 2021. In respect of that unacceptable act, the Administration wants everyone to know that it is in support of timely investigation of the incident as a way to fight against impunity and lawlessness.
The Registry was informed that a group of graduating class students on Monday 12th April 2021 at the Tower Hill Campus, Freetown violently disrupted the process of distributing graduation regalia and invitation cards to students, who had been cleared to take part in the Congregation of the University of Sierra Leone scheduled for Wednesday 14th April, 2021. Those students violently interrupted the process by pelting stones across the entire campus and destroyed college property.
The information from the Registry provides that the riotous students are among the students who had not been cleared for graduation because of outstanding academic matters, i.e., incomplete grades and reference(s), exit verification queries, and financial arrears to the College.
It is important to note that the grades for these graduating students were published in November 2020 for them to review and revert with issues, if any. Many of the students treated that process with levity. Therefore most of them could not complete the verification process.
Furthermore, more than half of the graduating students are unregistered. To register, a student is required to settle all financial obligations. Unfortunately, some students are still in fees arrears which have delayed their registration. Thus the Examination Office has a huge number of students whose results can’t be published until they complete the registration process.
The Administration had discussion with the Students’ Union Government in respect of the case put forward by some of the affected students who claimed of having no outstanding issues. Assurance was given to the students that all concerns were being looked into with a view to expeditiously addressing the ‘genuine’ cases. However, instead of allowing the Administration and their leaders to conclude the process, some of the affected students opted to disrupt the operations of the College violently.
The Police was called in to restore order, which was achieved after over an hour of students resisting the intervention of the Police.
Meanwhile, the Administration remained committed to publishing the results of all students who had been cleared for the publication of their results. All genuine cases were taken into consideration, and their names were included in the Programme. For those who very recently took the reference exams or have other outstanding requirement issues, their results would be published as soon as their grades are computed or their issues resolved; they would have access to Statement of Result and Attestation to indicate that they have completed. They would also be included in the Programme for the next Graduation of the University.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, IPAM
For further information, please contact the University Media Director and International Relations, Dr. Tonya Musa on +23276507160