Hon. Emerson Lamina now Bike Riders Ambassador

The Hon. Member of PARLIAMENT for Constituency 030, Hon. SAA EMERSON LAMINA, has on yesterday, 26th September, 2020, been coronated by The Sierra Leone Commercial Motor Bike Riders Union, National as Eastern Region Ambassador of The Sierra Leone Commercial Motor Bike Riders Union. Other key personalities within Kono District, such as: The Mayor of Koidu City Council, Mayor Komba Matthew Sam; The Hon. Member of PARLIAMENT for Constituency 023, Musa Fofanah; The Hon. Member of PARLIAMENT for Constituency 029, Hon. Rebecca Yei Kamara; The Hon. Member for Con. 025 Hon. Paul Saa Sam were all awarded positions within The Kono District Bike Riders Union.

The Sierra Leone Commercial Bike Riders Union is one of the biggest unions that provides job opportunity for the youths in the country. The Executive of the Kono District Bike Riders in conjunction with the National Executive honoured Hon. Emerson Lamina with the position of an Ambassador, Eastern Region, in appreciation of his long dedication and numerous supports tendered to the Kono District Bike Riders Union which speaks to the Christian confirmation of Proverbs 14:23, that: “In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.”

This glaring insignia procession of honouring  the most prestigious and hardworking Honourable Member of Parliament started with an introduction of The Bike Riders Union Executives from Kailahun, Kenema, Kono and Freetown. The entire introduction was climaxed with the introduction of various key stakeholders in and out of Kono District. Several dignified dignitaries including The National President of Bike Riders Union, Mr. Umaru Talie Bah; The Mayor of Koidu City Council, Komba Matthew Sam; Samuel Kailondo Gbanya aka J.S.K, Mr. Shaway Fackih of Shalimar Tradings, Hon. Musa Fofanah of Constituency 023, LUC of Tankoro, Suprentend Frankly Bawoh; D.T.O Tamba Johnny, Hon. SAA EMERSON LAMINA and many others attended the occasion.

The coronation ceremony lasted for hours and accommodated many brilliant speakers including the Kailahun District Bike Riders Union Chairman, Abu Senessie; The Kenema District Bike Riders Union Chairman, Safia Gbaika; The Eastern District Chairman, Mohamed S. Turay; the Northern Region Chairman of Bike Riders Union and Chief Suprentend Frankly Bawoh of Tankoro Police Division.

Hon. Musa FOFONAH of Constituency 023 vigorously thanked The Kono District Bike Riders Union  for recognizing and honouring him with the position of The District Director of The Union. The City Father, Komba Matthew Sam intimated by extending his unreserved thanks and appreciation to the BRU for honouring him with the position of a Chief Rider. The representative on behalf of Hon. Rebecca Yei Kamara stated that Hon. Rebecca Yei Kamara is a mother, a sister and a friend who in her capacity as Mami Queen of Kono District Bike Riders Union would always be ready to stand with the union and the people of Kono District at all time.

The National President of the Bike Riders Union, Umaru Talie Bah talked on the various investments of the Bike Riders Union and their mammoth contributions and cooperations with regards to tax payment. He stated that their motive is in lieu of the social economic advancements of individual members of the union and the country at large. He ended off by eulogizing Hon. Emerson Lamina for his stupendou contributions and donations to the union. He thanked him for impressively standing up for the BRU at all time.

Finally, Hon. Emerson Lamina, in his position as the newly coronated Ambassador of The Eastern Region Bike Riders Union expressed his profound joy and satisfaction to the BRU for honouring him with such an enviable position within the ranks and files of the the union. He made known the fact that just as he has been doing, he would always continue to seek the welfare of BRU and advocate for the social economic advancement of the union in subsequent bills in the House of the Sierra Leone Parliament since he too was a Bike Rider way back in the early years of  2000.

Hon. Emerson Lamina humbly stated that in his burning passion to boost the Bike Riders in KONO District, he has bought twelve bikes in all since elected as MP and promised to lawfully mediate between the Police and the union in order to promote the rule of law among Bike Riders for the enhancement and enforcement of a healthy relationship between the Bike Riders Union and the Sierra Leone Police.

Hon. EMERSON LAMINA maintained that in his position as Mines Committee Chairman in PARLIAMENT, he would endeavour to reach the production of a unique and customized helmet for the Bike Riders in Kailahun, Kenema and Kono Districts. He ended off by making a Clarion call against hate speech. He encouraged all presented for the occasion to embrace peace and unity and to always deviate from hate speech and uphold the rule of law at all time. I end with a quotation from Hebrews 13:16 which says: “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

Kudos to Hon. Emerson Lamina aka Pro Bono Public

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